Utopian & Dystopian Webquest Your Name Here Ms. Simmons Period Date
Introduction You will spend today researching the following sites to gather information on the ideas and elements related to utopias/dystopias. Go back to the first slide and put your first and last name in the text. Then add your class period. Click file > save as > This PC> Desktop Name the file your firstname_lastname Click ok. When you are finished with this assignment, you will submit it via email at the end of the class period. Go on to the next page…
First Step Click on the following link to go to a website that will give you a starting point for your research. You do not need to read the entire article, just enough to understand what a utopia is. http://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Utopia Make notes on what a utopia is here (10 points):
Second Step Now figure out what exactly the philosophy is behind a utopia. Click on the following link to be taken to another site that discusses the philosophy of a utopia. Just read this page. Do not click on other links. http://users.erols.com/jonwill/ Make notes on what the philosophy of a utopia is here (10 points):
Third Step Okay, now we are going to look back at history and see who attempted to create a Utopia but failed. Click on one of the pictures to the right to be taken to a website. You may have to RIGHT CLICK and then click on OPEN HYPERLINK. Only choose ONE picture. On the next slide you will add your notes from what you discovered.
History of Dystopias (10 points) What I learned: More of what I learned:
Fourth Step. Add a slide (look up, to the left and click New Slide) and give me, in your own words, a definition and an example of a utopia AND a dystopia (40 points). Now, research 3 movies and/or books that portray a dystopian or utopian society. (30 points) For each movie/book, create a new slide and tell me: Title Identify if it is a utopia or dystopia. Explain why it is a utopia or dystopia.
Final Step DON’T FORGET TO SAVE. When you are done email the presentation to me as an attachment. My email address is simmonsfr@fultonschools.org Ask for directions on how to submit. Congratulations!! Give yourself a pat on the back.