Making the Most of Teacher Candidate Field Experiences University Faculty: Eduardo M. Valerio, Ph.D, Lock Haven Univ. of PA Language Teachers: Steven Klebacha, SCASD Spanish Doug Madenford, M.Ed., KCSD German
Establish a Foundation Faculty / Mentor Teacher Communications
Communicate In advance: University requirements and requests Mentor teacher parameters (what the teacher expects or will allow students to do: observe, make limited presentations, make co-presentations)
Communicate In advance: University requirements and requests Mentor teacher parameters (what the teacher expects or will allow students to do: observe, make limited presentations, make co-presentations)
Communicate In advance: Contact information and best way/times to contact
Candidate / Mentor Teacher Communications Direct the candidate Candidate / Mentor Teacher Communications
Communicate Candidate responsibilities: Contact mentor teacher in advance (not during teaching hours) Obtain textbook if applicable and determine the content of classes during field experiences
Communicate Candidate responsibilities: Ask mentor teacher to describe their goals for candidate participation Ask about parking and entering the school. How much time will it take to enter? What time and place should they begin?
Communicate Candidate responsibilities: Ask mentor teacher if there are any known special needs or strong learning preferences in classrooms
Communicate Candidate responsibilities: Ask mentor teacher the age/ grade and language level of students. How many students per class?
Faculty / Candidate Preparation Direct the candidate Faculty / Candidate Preparation
Faculty to candidate Have candidates study classroom etiquette so they will know appropriate ways to interact and behave as a visitor in the classroom Professional dress at all times when visiting the school whether you are meeting the teacher or in a classroom
Faculty to candidate Have candidates thoroughly study all concepts that will be presented in the classroom. Review textbook exercises for understanding and accuracy to avoid any mistakes in presentations in class
Faculty to candidate Have candidates develop cultural vignettes or creative grammar exercises/games that can be presented as supplements to planned content during field experiences Inform candidates to make enough copies of any handouts for these activities in advance
Faculty to candidate Have candidates develop strong classroom language skills in the target language (classroom directions, praise, numbers) Remind students to cultivate formal professional language when speaking English in the classroom
Faculty to candidate Prepare candidates to observe teachers in other classrooms as well as the classroom in which they are placed Advise candidates how to plan for Journaling
Faculty to candidate Have candidates thank the mentor teacher in advance of field experiences, and afterward—specifically highlighting something they valued Include your full name and contact information in your note for future reference…
Additional Suggestions Mentor Teacher
Develop a List Create a list of problem areas you have experienced—or borrow the one presented today if you have not served as a mentor teacher previously Share these concerns with faculty or universities seeking ST placements or field experiences
Important Reminders Mentor Teacher
Reminder Candidates for field experiences often lack the proficiency they will have after studying abroad These individuals may need to observe rather than present. They are interested in language teaching and seeing you and your classroom will help them to decide whether they should pursue it.
Reminder Student teacher language proficiency should be greater because they have spent time in the target culture. They should be developing careful practices to ensure what they present is accurate in the classroom even though they may still be developing their proficiency
What ifs Mentor Teacher
What if You are asked to work with a candidate and no guidelines are forthcoming regarding appropriate communications as described here? Develop a simple set of your own communications requirements that you can give to them
What if Your school does not have well developed written guidelines for communications? Suggest administrators develop such guidelines and put them in writing.
End of presentation