Log in through Schoology on the DC website. Click on the Naviance Student tile.
Naviance Home Page This is the Naviance Home Page once you log in. Notice the links on the left hand side of the page and the tabs at the top!
Check out the links on the left side of the Naviance home page!
Colleges Tab Click on the colleges tab to research colleges, find out about upcoming college events at your school, request letters of recommendation, look at your test scores, or request transcripts.
By clicking on “upcoming college events,” you can sign up for college visits to our school! You can also sign up in the counseling office. College visits take place in the Family Resource Center (FRC).
Click on “SuperMatch college search” to begin your search for colleges! By clicking on “SuperMatch” you can look up schools based on different criteria!
Post High School Plan!
About Me Tab! Build a complete profile of yourself on this tab! You can take personality, intelligence, and strengths tests to see what possible careers or fields of study are right for you. You can also upload your test scores here, and get letters of rec packets for your teachers and counselors. You can also upload a resume here under “interesting things about me,” as well as start lists of your favorite colleges and career fields. Finally, there is a place for you to add your “game plan” for your future!
StrengthsExplorer Inventory under My Assessments on the About Me Tab! By taking the different inventory/assessments on the About Me Tab, you create a profile for yourself that can be used to determine careers and/or fields of study that would match your personality, interests, and skill sets. Once you take one or more of these inventories, go back to the career tab to research careers!
Careers Tab! Finding “career clusters” is a great tool on the Career tab. By answering the questions once you click on “cluster finder,” you will find sets of careers that would match your interests, favorite activities, and favorite subjects in school. By clicking on “career interest profiler,” you can see what kind of jobs match your interest profile. For example, are your interests primarily in Investigative work? Research?....Or are you more of a social person who would do well in job fields that require high social interaction?
Click on “explore careers & clusters” to choose a specific industry to research!