NUMBER SENSE PROPORTIONS PERCENTS ADDITION MULTIPLICATION 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500
A ratio comparing two different kinds of measures where the second measure is 1. 50mph 45bpm 24pages/hr Question
What is Unit Rate? Menu
Money added to an original amount saved or borrowed. Savings $500 @ 2% = 1.02(500) = $510 you get. Loan $500 @ 5% = 1.05(500) = $525 you owe. Question
What is Interest? Menu
Positive whole numbers, 0, and negative whole numbers. {…-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3…} Question
What are Integers? Menu
What are Rational numbers? Menu
A number with exactly two factors. 2 = 1·2 5 = 1·5 3 = 1·3 17 = 1·17 31 = 1·31 Question
What are Prime numbers? Menu
A comparison between two numbers. 3 3 to 4 75% 0.75 4 Question
What are Ratios? Menu
Two equal ratios. 1 4 45 3 100 50 8 60 4 2 = = = 2 1 Question
What are Proportions? Menu
What is 8? Menu
What is 3? Menu
The fraction, decimal, and percent equivalent of 48 to 80. Question
What is 3, 0.6, and 60%? 5 Menu
A ratio out of 100. 1 10 = = 10% 10 100 1 = 25 = 25% 4 100 1 5 = = 5% = = 10% 10 100 1 = 25 = 25% 4 100 1 5 = = 5% 20 100 Question
What are Percents? Menu
10% of $19.00 Question
What is $1.90? Menu
35% of $28.00 Question
What is $9.80? Menu
1 of $850 4 Question
What is $212.50? Menu
15% of $455 Question
What is $68.25? Menu
The answer to an addition problem. 2 + 4 = 6 2 plus 4 equals 6 add 2 to 4 to get 6 Question
What is the Sum? Menu
The answer to a subtraction problem. 6 – 1 = 5 6 minus 1 equals 5 6 take away 1 is 5 Question
What is the Difference? Menu
The value of −5 + 5 Question
What is 0? Menu
The value of −4.8 + −5.2 Question
What is –10? Menu
The problem represent on the number line. −10 10 Question
What is −5 + 10 = 5? Menu
The answer to a multiplication problem. 2·6 = 12 2x6 = 12 (2)(6) = 12 Question
What is the Product? Menu
What is the Quotient? Menu
The factors of 15 Question
What is 1, 3, 5, 15? Menu