Morning Warm- Up Some animals live with our family Morning Warm- Up Some animals live with our family. Other animals are wild. We should be kind to all animals. Why should we take care of animals?
Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about Jonathan Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about Jonathan. He shows concern for a family of cats. They need protection from a storm. What do animals need for growth and well-being?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read more about animal doctors Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read more about animal doctors. They attend school for a long time. They study veterinary medicine. What would you like to study?
Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read two poems about some unloved cats who find a home. They are reassured that someone loves them. How can we show an animal that we love it?
Morning Warm- Up. This week we read about showing concern for animals Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about showing concern for animals. We can do many things to look after them. Why is it important to care for animals?