Judy Zolkiewski
Background Using TurnitIn Formative exercise – self completion Formative essay – blind check and feedback given Paper-based group exercise
Pilot user of TurnitIn a number of years ago MSc and Undergraduate Cut and paste society a problem Overseas students NOT taught about paraphrasing Exacerbated by poor English Skills
Can be set up within BlackboardBlackboard Benefits – all section designers and teaching assistants have access On-line marking – can highlight problem areas and design appropriate comments Drawbacks: requests for copies of duplicates can be difficult to access
TurnitIn has a feature that allows users to see their own reports Initially, allowed students to see their own scores Worked well, but University felt that we were facilitating cheating… if we allowed them to check summative work Therefore…
You will need to summarize one of the articles you are reading as part of the programme – use citations as discussed in class Write about 500 words Submit this using the instructions on the programme Blackboard site You can look at the report generated Complete this before you hand in your first essay!
Checking formative submissions Highlighting explicitly to students what has gone wrong They have the opportunity to work on this and resubmit work Needs doing very early in the programme for maximum impact
Need consistency across a programme Needs reiterating on a course by course basis And a year-by-year basis Mainly (in my opinion) not deliberate Easily done when cutting and pasting Struggling to write well – what real support do we offer? Problems will increase as we take more overseas students
Turnitin needs to be used in combination with other aspects of assessment Formative submission of work (should always get this early in programme) Opportunity for self-diagnosis Consistent approach across a department Include short exercises to help, see for example
In small groups Look at the examples on the sheet – decide which are plagiarism and explain why Feedback to the class based upon an exercise described by Chris J R Willmott and Tim M Harrison in Journal of Biological Education (2003) 37(3) pp , An exercise to teach bioscience students about plagiarism
Research has been fuelled by a number of concerns, a key issue being the role of people in service production, delivery and consumption such that quality control in the traditional way is not possible as people become integral to service quality (Bitner et al., 1994; Glynn and Lehtinen, 1995; Schneider et al., 1998).
Research has been fuelled by a number of concerns, a key issue being the role of people in service production, delivery and consumption such that quality control in the traditional way is not possible as people become integral to service quality (Bitner et al., 1994; Glynn and Lehtinen, 1995; Schneider et al., 1998). (Zolkiewski et al, 2007).
Research has been fuelled by a number of concerns, a key issue being the role of people in service production, delivery and consumption such that quality control in the traditional way is not possible as people become integral to service quality (Bitner et al., 1994; Glynn and Lehtinen, 1995; Schneider et al., 1998). (Zolkiewski et al, 2007) pg.314
Zolkiewski et al (2007) discuss why research is needed in this service quality, their concern relates to the role of people in service production, delivery and consumption pg 314. Inseparability of consumption and production is one of the central themes in services marketing and has received wide attention, see for example, Lovelock (1984), Grönroos (1990).
The role of people in service production, consumption and delivery means that research into service quality is needed. Service employees and their interaction with consumers make traditional monitoring of service quality difficult. Control of service quality is difficult to implement (Bitner et al, 1994). The central issues are the involvement of both service employee and consumer in service consumption.
1,2 would count as plagiarism 3 is problematic – stringing together quotations is NOT appropriate and you will fail your essays if you do this 4 is OK 5 and 6 are still based strongly on the original even though they are reworded and there are NO citations so again these are problematic 7 is acceptable but it would be much better to include and draw upon other sources
More recently the notion of customer portfolios and their lifetime values has been considered in the context of all marketing relationships, both consumer and business-to-business, see Johnson and Selnes (2004). Yau et al (2000) describe how guanxi manifests within Chinese business organizations. Marketing involves facilitating the exchange relationship that exists between an organization and its external environment. (Zeithaml and Zeithaml, 1984, p.46).
Usually one definite case a year – across pgt and ugt A number of others had marks reduced for poor paraphrasing Students starting to understand what paraphrasing is And what secondary citation involves…