McAfee Files & Folder Encryption As observed at WFO GLD All USB Devices will be encrypted. (Unless a waiver has been approved or lager than 64g.) Use of Personally owned USB devices prohibited unless a waiver has been approved. This includes things like: (basically if can plug into a USB port) USB Thumb Drives, Cellphones, MP3 Players, Cameras, etc. GOV Owned USB devices still have to be Virus scanned if they are connected to NON-GOV systems. Safeboot Laptop password will now be automatically updated when you change your PC password. If you dont use USB devices, this will have little to no effect to your daily routine.
First time you Login to PC after software has been installed. You will be prompted with the above screen. Enter your AD Username without and your PC Password
You will notice the EEFF Icon in taskbar
Upon inserting a USB device, you will see this prompt: Choosing YES will encrypt the device so only YOU have access to it.
Choosing NO to Encryption IF you say NO to encryption upon USB insertion, the device will be mounted as READ ONLY, so you can access files from the device, but will not be able to save files to device. You will want to do this for Cameras and Fisher Porter data keys.
Choosing YES to Encryption IF you say YES to encryption upon USB insertion, you will be prompted with this GUI. Volume Label can be what you wish Authentication Password: This will be the password you will have to know in order to access this device once encrypted. This password does not have to be the same as your Windows or Safeboot Password. Recovery Password: This password would be needed if you forget your Access password above. Recovery Questions: If you forget the Access or Recovery password, this will be your last line of defense for gaining access to your files! You MUST fill in all Highlighted areas! These Passwords and Questions never expire or are forced to be changed! These Passwords and Questions never expire or are forced to be changed!
Accessing an Encrypted Device When you insert an encrypted USB device into a GOV computer, you will see the above screen. Enter the Access Password you used when encrypting the drive. If you forget the Access Password click on Recover to have a chance to use the Recovery Password or answer the Recovery Questions
Accessing an Encrypted Device You will notice the LOCK this means its encrypted. Any files moved to this device will automatically be encrypted. Files moved from the encrypted device will be decrypted automatically. If accessing on a machine that does not have File and Folder Encryption on it, open the folder and execute Clicking on will also bring up the access GUI.
Some more Information Each USB device will only be usable to the person who encrypted it. Government owned USB Thumbs will be provided to users on a As Needed basis, and are subject to approval and fiscal restraints. If you want to transfer files in/out of the office without using a USB device, consider alternatives like: – CD/DVD Burning (These will still have to be virus scanned before inserting onto GOV Systems) – Sending via – Use of Google DOCS (Once the new UMS is online in Dec.) An encrypted device can be used outside a NWS system, you will be prompted for the Access Password you setup when initially encrypting the device. If your Access Password, Recovery Password, and Recovery Answers are lost, there is no recovery method. Your USB device will have to be formatted and all data will be destroyed. These passwords never expire, so you will not be forced to change them. Once you encrypt the device, the passwords you setup will stay active until you choose to change them.
Some more Information If an outside person brings something into the office for us to view via a USB device (presentation, pictures, etc), the device must be virus scanned very first thing. Once a clean scan has been completed, insert into PC and when prompted, say NO to the encryption. This will allow you to only view the files on the USB device. Your local ITO & ESA can help you with the Offline virus scan of the non- GOV USB device. There are also options to encrypt files for sending via . To see this options, right click on the file you wish to encrypt. More information about this can be found in the User Guide.
Questions / Comments? The McAfee Endpoint Encryption User Guide can be found at: and%20Folders%20Encryption/NWS%20McAfee%20EEFF%20Users%20Guide.pdf and%20Folders%20Encryption/NWS%20McAfee%20EEFF%20Users%20Guide.pdf More information may be found on the CR SharePoint site at: Your local ITO & ESA are the office contacts for issues as they arrive.