Bienvenue à la classe française!
Entry Bell 8:30 Advisory 8:45 - 10:05 Period 1 10:10 - 10:50 Bell Schedule - Day 1 Entry Bell 8:30 Advisory 8:45 - 10:05 Period 1 10:10 - 10:50 Period 2 10:55 - 11:35 Period 3 11:40 - 12:20 Period 4 12:25 - 1:05 Period 5 1:10 - 1:50 Period 6 1:55 - 2:35 Period 7 2:40 – 3:20 Period 8 3:25 – 4:05 * FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Advisory 80 Minutes Periods 1-8 40 Minutes
Agenda: le 24 août 2015 Identify Mme Anderson’s Expectations Learn en français : Greetings, Introduction & Farewell Introduce yourself Identify similarities & differences between yourself and your classmates Prodcedures: Whole class instruction Partner/Group activities
Mme Anderson’s Expectations
Be prompt
Be prepared
Materials you need to bring to class: Pen/Pencil 3 Ring Binder or folder to hold your notes and assignments We will be using a class set of French Textbooks
Be Productive
Be Polite
Be proud
Greetings, Introduction & farewell Listen and repeat the following French terms
Bonjour! Hello
Je m’appelle ____ (name). My name is ________ (name)
Au revoir! Good-bye
Pratique: Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________. Greet and introduce yourself to a classmate. Bonjour! Je m’appelle ________.
Présentez à la classe: State your name and name your favorite snack food: Je m’appelle J’aime (zh-am) your favorite snack food
Some topics to discuss: Venn Diagrams By the end of class you should have 3-5 items in each section of the diagram In groups of 2 or 3 get to know your classmates. Identify things that you have in common with each other as well as those thing s that make you unique. Some topics to discuss: School Hobbies Interests Family Goals Music
Similarities Differences Differences
Essential Phrase: Est-ce que je peux aller aux toilettes?
Student Information Sheet Please provide the requested information. When completed, place your paper in the basket at the front of the room.
Entry Bell 8:30 • Advisory • Period 1 11:00- 11:25 • Period 2 11:30- 11:55 • Period 3 12:00 - 12:25 • Period 4 12:30 - 1:10 • Period 5 1:15 - 1:55 • Period 6 2:00 - 2:40 • Period 7 2:45 – 3:20 • Period 8 3:25 – 4:05
A little something about you… Use the play dough to create something that represents you or your world. Examples: Food you like Your hobbies and interests What you want to be Keep it school appropriate!! Disclaimer: You will be sharing this with the rest of the class