IGG Agenda 3rd June 2010 Minutes from Previous IGG Meeting 10.30 – 10.40 Review of Action Items 10.40 – 10.45 CER Update 10.45 – 10.55 Gemserv Update 10.55 – 11.10 MRSO Update 11.10 – 11.20 Microgeneration 11.20 – 11.30 Retail Market Design Service Update 11.30 – 11.40 Market Design Update 11.40 – 11.55 Next Steps 11.55 – 12.00 1
Minutes from IGG meeting – 23rd April 2010
IGG Action Items Updated IGG Action List issued in advance of meeting Actions closed since last IGG meeting: 20 IGG Actions carried forward:13 Owner 3rd June Suppliers RMDS 4 MRSO 2 ESBN Gemserv CER 5 Total 13 3
CER Update 4
Gemserv Update 5
Meter Operations Update 6
Retail Market Design Update Conor Garrigan, RMDS 7
Retail Market Design Update Customer Questionnaire 8
Customer Questionnaire 6 Participants Responded All documentation relating to a release be consolidated & stored in a specific location on RMDS website In advance of the June release a placeholder is set up on the Calendar and all documentation will be stored there. ARIS can be difficult to navigate Upgrade to more user friendly windows version being considered RMDS has new team member who is ARIS expert RMDS available to guide any participant who is having difficulty 9
Discussion Requests & Market Change Conor Garrigan, RMDS 10
New Discussion Request DR 0183: Sending of Market Messages 591, 595, & 596 to ESBCS Approval requested today 11
Market Change Request MCR 0180: Sending of additional messages to EirGrid-TSO Approval requested today 12
Discussion Request DR 0176 - Harmonisation Impact on ROI Approval Requested to progress to MCR 13
DR0176: Clarification of written Supplier inputs 1: Provision of MESN change notification following survey by NIE T&D in absence of N195 NIE T&D will inform suppliers of changes on the 114 message 2: Encryption of some fields in XML market messages There are currently no plans in ROI or NI to provide for encrypted fields in XML messages. NI will delete security question and answer for keypad COS transactions when COS is complete 3: Provision of Meter point detail changes in absence of N195 Details of changes now carried on ROI equivalent messages, e.g., 114 for MESN and CSSN changes 301 for MIC/MEC changes 321 for Meter Read Cycle and Frequency changes 4: Requirement for new PostCodeMPA field ROI will need this if, and when, national post codes are deployed. In the meantime, it remains optional for ROI 14
Potential new DR: COS Objections Handling BGE has raised the issue of undue delay / complexity in COS objections handling New suppliers are frequently reluctant to agree to objections in disputed cases though the 011 message BGE is interested in other suppliers’ approaches / experiences in these cases 15
HRDS Change Control Administration Change Request Numbering (from June 1) All new DRs/MCRs/CCRs will start at 1001 DR and its related MCR will share the same number DRs and MCRs will share common template Once assigned, the number will not change, regardless of the jurisdictional nature of the change Migration of existing DRs/MCRs Legacy MCRs will not be renumbered Legacy DRs moving to MCRs will take a new number 16
IGG Meeting – 3rd June 2010 AOB 17
Next Steps Proposed Diary dates for IGG meetings in 2010: 05.07.2010 26.08.2010 Proposed dates are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website 18
Next Steps Conference Calls Friday 25.06.10 – As requested by the market 05.08.2010 Proposed dates are on Calendar of Events on RMDS website Call details are as follows: Number: 01-6647602 PIN : 77640 Contingency number remains: 01-6647777 PIN: 80490 19
Thank You 20