Marian Dogmas: Perpetual virginity Gabby, Jack, Michael, Olivia, and Taylor Wurtz
What Is Perpetual virginity Mean? Mary was a virgin before, during, and after Jesus was born Protestants deny Mary this title, they say that it downgrades sex in marriage and is unbiblical These can be defended by sacred scripture, the fathers of the church, and common sense Mary was equipped to be Mother of God, Spouse of the Holy Spirit, mother of the church, and a leader in the battle against evil. Instead of downgrading sex, Mary reflects the unique role she played in Gods saving plan
Mary’s Intactness: Spiritual Bodily Intactness refers to Mary’s sinlessness God wants Mary’s body to reflect her spiritual intactness
Mathew 13: 55 The protestants argument that spurs from this verse is: “Isn't this the carpenter’s son? Isn't Mary known to be his mother and James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas his brothers” this verse they use the term “brother” which has multiple meanings It can mean sibling, friends, or associate In Acts 21:7 fellow Christians are called brothers
Mathew 1: 24-25 In this verse it states “She was ever virgin till” Till however does not mean that there was a change of condition
Typology: The ARK of the covenant is the type for Mary’s perpetual virginity God wanted to preserve Mary from all sin, much like they would protect the ARK
Grab your pens and paper!!!!!!! Was Mary actually a Virgin? What does Intactness mean? What is one of the verses protestants wrongly use to try and combat Mary’s Perpetual virginity? What is her Virginity a type for