“From Stuck to Moving On” - Embracing New Seasons of Life
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8
as the beginning of the next.” “When we view our lives as a string of random days connected only by the calendar, it’s easy to overlook the active movement of God. Our ability to identify the seasons of our lives increases our ability to cooperate with God, recognizing His guiding hand, follow His lead, and accept the end of one season as the beginning of the next.” - Bill Hybels
What “season” of life are you in now?
trying to teach you during this “season” What is God trying to teach you during this “season” of life?
God helps Paul “embrace” 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10 ----------------- God helps Paul “embrace” a Season of Suffering
Choose to end “Seasons” of: - Abuse Addiction Immaturity Toxic Relationships - Unforgiveness - Cynicism
John 5: 24-29
Identify Your Current Season What season are you in? ACTION STEP 1: Identify Your Current Season What season are you in? What is God trying to teach you in this season? Are you fully engaged in this season? What could you do to embrace this season, good or bad, more wholeheartedly?
MOVE ON! (if it’s time to) Are you stuck in an expired season? ACTION STEP 2: MOVE ON! (if it’s time to) Are you stuck in an expired season? What makes you feel this season is drawing to a close? Why are you resisting the need to move on? What lessons did God teach you? What new season is God opening up? What steps can you take to move on?