Planning FMP interpretation on MUSE. Introduction Planning FMP interpretation on MUSE.
This is a logo idea I had for my webzine, it is called undecided because the theme of my chosen webzine is mixed up posts with listicles, blogs in which talking about street style, food ideas and much more. I thought this logo addressed to being an undecided webzine which makes it clear but also may raise attention to find out why it is ‘undecided’
This is a template to how my webzine will be layed out, the blocks is where the main content will be, they are neat and layed out professionally. Also pointing out the areas in where you will add logos, social media links and anything else you want to add that is helpful to your audience. It is a clear layout and now I understand what kind of theme I will be going for and now I can easily plan how I will fill the areas.
I began adding pictures to fill in the boxes and worked out how to ensure the picture would fill the box correctly. I also found out how I would be able to add in links to social media pages through a hyperlink, I understand how to do that confidently now to ensure my webzine will look professional and will be easily accessible.
Here is how I added the hyperlinks to the logo icons, it was a quick and easy process. I can use this on my real webzine with many other relevant social media pages.
In terms of fonts, I will be using fonts from Dafont so I have a broader range rather than using them off of Muse. This will make my webzine look professional as well as independently made. I can make it fit the theme well and ensure it doesn’t look random and mixed up. Also, Dafont has many different styles on there, so I can chose one that will perfectly fit with the article or even the main theme of the whole webzine itself. For the planning process, I used images from ‘pexels’ so I had no copyright issues as well as the images being completely free to use.