‘… an evaluation of the learner’s achievement’ Assessment ‘… an evaluation of the learner’s achievement’ Ecclestone 1996 Gill Simpson
Why Assess? Diagnose learning needs (initial assessment) Prepare learners for next stage of learning journey Measure competence/knowledge Identify areas of development or improvement Gill Simpson
Types of Assessment Formal Informal Learners are aware of the assessment situation Can be obtrusive Learners go about their usual activities
Types of Assessment Initial/diagnostic Takes place prior to or at the start of course commencement Evaluates current skills and knowledge Identifies areas for developments Gill Simpson
Types of Assessment Formative Assessment Continuous process Identifies achievement, areas for development and next steps Gill Simpson
Types of Assessment Summative Assessment Judgement made about learners’ achievement Takes place at the end Often reported to a 3rd party (e.g. exam board, external verifier) Gill Simpson
Methods of Assessment List as many methods of assessment that you can think of Gill Simpson
Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning (1956) 3 Learning Domains (Categories) Cognitive mental skills, knowledge Affective feelings, values, attitudes Psychomotor manual or physical skills Gill Simpson
Bloom’s Taxonomy for the Cognitive Domain Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge Gill Simpson
Questioning Techniques Open Closed Hypothetical Leading Probing Multiple choice * Remember Bloom’s Taxonomy Gill Simpson
Open Questions ‘I keep six honest serving men (They taught me all I knew) Their names are What and When and Where And How and Why and Who’ Rudyard Kipling Gill Simpson
Effective Feedback Motivates and encourages Can be formal or informal During and at the end of a session Is constructive, specific, developmental and factual Gill Simpson
Record Keeping in Relation to Assessment What sort of records would need to be kept? Why? What could happen if records are not kept in relation to assessment? Gill Simpson
Learners’ Journey Recruitment Induction Initial assessment Learning plans Teaching and learning Progress reviews Assessment Achievement Progression Gill Simpson