Preparing to Give Testimony Do your homework Prepare a statement On the day, remember…
Do your homework: Research issue; find supporting evidence. Call ahead of time to learn the place, time and procedure for the hearing. Are public officials going to speak first? How long is allotted for each speaker; arrive early. Anticipate questions you might be asked and practice answering them. Rehearse your testimony.
Prepare a statement: Thank the committee for the opportunity to speak. Identify yourself and the organization or town you represent. State your position, problem or goal. Define the challenges or barriers. Ask for what you want. Make your request specific. Define & describe your vision of success. Focus on solutions instead of problems. Sum up at the end.
On the day, remember… Keep your testimony short…most hearings limit testimony to 3 minutes. Bring copies of your prepared statement for the entire committee and the press. Double-space all your copies and type on only one side of the paper for easy reading. All capitals are not easier to read. Be sure to keep a copy for your own files.
References & Resources This handout was adapted from information on the following websites: http://www.capwiz.comthearc/issues/basics