Did You Know? Between the ages of birth and 5 Font bigger for all Are better than boys in both reading and writing Girls are more likely to do well in school And are better at forming relationships
Did You Know? By the age of 11 Girls will have been heavily exposed to negative and harmful stereotypes… leading to a preoccupation to body image, sexual identity and peer pressure
Did You Know? Between the ages of 12 and 18 Girls are more likely than boys to: Be hospitalized because of suicide attempts Be dissatisfied with their body Be unhappy and less confident Report loneliness
Did You Know? Canadian women Make up only 20.7% of Canada’s MPs Replace picture with adult. This picture Are in the lowest income group 67% more than men. which is fewer women in parliament than less developed countries such as Rwanda, Afghanistan and Iraq. Make up only 20.7% of Canada’s MPs
It’s starts with the girl. What can be done to improve the lives of Canadian girls and women? It’s starts with the girl.
Girls’ lives are complex and diverse. A “one-size-fits-all” approach to programming for girls will not be effective.
Best practices for girl programming: Put girls picture here Best practices for girl programming: Respect and celebrate the diversity of girls. Be interactive Be asset-based and positive Above all, it should be girl-directed and girl-led Pay explicit attention to gender equity
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) The World Programme of Action for Youth to the Year 2000 and Beyond (WPAY) The World Fit for Children (WFFC) The United Nations and WAGGGS All these organizations clearly state that children and young people have the right to participate in public life add logo of companies
As one of the leading Canadian Female Organizations it is our responsibility to support this participation and to take children and youth views into account when discussing issues that affect their lives. Picture fade in – big GGC logo Today we are going to talk about Girl Engagement and how we can incorporate it into our work