1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Insertion Device Toshi Tanabe, ID group leader 8 th ASAC meeting for NSLS-II Project May 10-11, 2011
2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline ID Table / Current Schedule Changes / Progress since last ASAC review Progress on Each Device R & D (IVMMS, VST, PrFeB) Summary Acknowledgement : ID group members: C. Kitegi, J. Rank, D.A. Harder, T. Corwin, P.Cappadoro, G. Rakowsky, M. Lehecka Part-time members: O. Chubar, C. Spataro, P. He, F. Huston Accelerator Physics: J. Bengtsson, S. Krinsky, A. Blednykh, L.H. Yu, Y. Li Vacuum Group: Dick Hseuh Mechanical Group: V. Ravindranath
3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Insertion Devices (Baseline Project Scope)
6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress since ASAC10 (October) Status of Each Baseline Device PM Damping Wiggler (DW) Contract was issued on Nov.7, PDR completed. FDR is scheduled in a few weeks. In-Vacuum Undulator (SRX-IVU & Standard IVU) RFPs are being prepared. In-Vacuum Undulator (IXS-IVU) Reference mechanical design has been completed. Spec and SOW are finalized. Elliptically Polarized Undulator (EPU) Contract was issued on April 28, 2011 Three Pole Wiggler (3PW) Contract was issued on March 25, PDR was conducted on May 6th. Magnet Development Laboratory (Insertion Device Magnet Measurement Facility) –Hall probe bench has been commissioned with various probes. –Calibration Dipole is in place. –Helmholz coils are in place (1 Hz environmental noise issues remain). –Integrated Field Measurement System (IFMS) will be delivered by the end of May.
7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES DW Status Courtesy of Danfysik PDR has been completed with action items clearly identified. FDR scheduled in late May. Weight limit spec must be altered (max 10T 11T) in order to maintain the rigidity of the structure given the envelope. RFP for the vacuum chambers has been issued.
8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES EPU Status Contract was issued on April 28 th, A separate RFP for its vacuum chamber is prepared. PCR is expected to replace the central canting magnet with PM canting /phasing magnet system. Investigation to eliminate end canting magnets by using slow correctors is in progress. Courtesy of Kyma Undulator
9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES 3PW Status The contract was issued on March 25 th, 2011 with 3,5 and 10 device options. PDR meetings took place on May 6 th. Final adjustment for vacuum chamber design change is carried out. Courtesy of ADC
10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IVU Status SRX-IVU Specification and SOW are being circulated for signatures. Tight specs: 1 mm/s to 0.1mm/s scan while maintaining 2 degree phase error. Standard IVU Specification and SOW are being circulated for signatures. IXS-IVU 3m long BNL reference mechanical design has been developed in the given device envelope (Long straight section requires narrower frame than that for short straight section).
11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES ID-Megnetic Measurement Facility (MMF) Clean Room has been completed Hall probe bench in operation Calibration Dipole in operation Flip/long coil system (IFMS) to be delivered by the end of May Helmholz Coil System Vendor specs cannot be fulfilled due to environmental noises Investigation work in progress. Calibration Dipole System Hall Probe Bench Flip/Long Coil System
12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Remaining R & D ( ) In-Vacuum Magnetic Measurement System (IVMMS) Conceptual design has been proposed Linear motor solution is pursued instead of ball screw based design. PDR is planned in mid May.
13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Remaining R & D ( ) contd Vacuum Seal Test (VST) Fabrication started. Tests will be completed by August. Illustration of VST assembly being rolled into furnace
14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES New R & D Bakable PrFeB arrays Magnets are ready Vendor is fabricating the array structure and fixture Baking test is planned in June. Cold measurement is planned to be in August provided that the cryogenic safety approval for modified VFT is obtained in time.
15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Summary R&D IVMMS (1.5m) is in design stage. VST result will be available by August. PrFeB magnet arrays are in fabrication. Baking test and cold measurement are planned. EPU Contract was signed with Kyma undulator, srl. on April 28 th, Vacuum chamber procurement is in progress Damping Wigglers (Danfysik) FDR is scheduled in late May. 3PW Contract was signed with ADC, inc. Kick-off meetings started. Vacuum chamber has been modified to leave more space from a slow corrector. ID-MMF Most of the equipment are in place. IVUs RFPs for SRX-IVU and standard IVU are prepared. Reference mechanical design has been developed for IXS-IVU.
17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Tunnel Cross Section of a Short Straight Section
18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Tunnel Cross Section of a Long Straight Section