Cryogenics T. Suzuki f2f meeting 2011.02.04
Cryostat Design Koike
-> Move to access flange ? Issues Connectionto SAS Supports Independent Thermal contraction Heat Leake Adjustable Hole ? Al 10mm thick Inner: M~48kg Outer: M~65kg Assembling Process ? Octagonal Al angle 75 x 75 x 9 View ports -> Move to access flange ? Stainless angle 100 x 100 x 6 Conductor pipes
Response to ground motion Jan. 31st,2011 H. Yamaoka Input to peripheral of bottom Mozumi 50m K.Y. 2005
Cryo-top Cryo-L Cryo-F Input Cryo-R Results X-方向 Y-方向 Y方向 X方向
Transportation of cryostat in the tunnel Initial install Tunnel width = 4m After installing vacuum duct Passage width ~ 1.5m ? Wider passage and corner ? Larger dump hole ? Ask to tunnel design.
Center Area Passage Width > 3.6m + Widen corner at the G.V. TU Dump hole 3.5m~4.5m + 10ton chain block ? Passage Width > 3.6m + Widen corner at the G.V. TU
Cart for cryostat Flat cap 3m x 3m Size Ellipsoidal cap 3m x 4m Cart 3m x 4m Cart 3m x 3m ~ 2700 2650 3891 Flat cap 3m x 3m Size Ellipsoidal cap 3m x 4m
Cornering along the outside wall Right corner Width = w Cart size : a, b (b<a) b w Envelope of the inside is convex to out outward. a Clear to 45 deg. turning *w=3m for changing direction of 3m x 3m cart ー>conering animation
Expected size of dumping hole ~ 4500 ~ 3500 ~ 2700 2200 2650 3891 Flat cap ~ 3.5m Diameter Ellipsoidal cap ~ 4.5m