ALA Sources Omega-6 Pathway enzyme Omega-3 Pathway Sources AA EPA alpha linolenic acid LA Linoleic Acid Safflower, sunflower, sesame, corn, soybean Flax, canola, pumpkin, hemp, walnut, soy D6 delta-6-desaturase ↑ by caloric restriction, ↑protein diet ↓ by sat’d & trans fats, DM, xs alcohol, aging, SNPs shift to Ώ6 by stress, DM, alcohol Borage, evening primrose, black currant, hemp SDA Steridonic Acid GLA Gamma Linolenic Acid elongase DGLA Dihomogamma linolenic acid ETA Eicosatetraenoic Acid Human milk D5 delta-5-desaturase Fish oil Series 1 Anti-Inflammatory ↓by high levels of EPA partially saturated and trans-fats AA Arachadonic acid EPA Eicosapentenoic Acid Cell membranes Cell membranes Series 3 Anti-Inflammatory & Less Inflammatory elongase DTA Docosatatraenoic acid DPA Docosapentaenoic Acid Series 2 Pro-Inflammatory D4 delta-4-desaturase D4 delta-4-desaturase DPA Docosapentaenoic acid DHA Docoshexanoic Acid Fish oil, marine algae Cox (cyclooxygenase) 1 & 2 activity ↓ by ginger, melatonin, turmeric, green tea, quercitin, & cayenne Lipoxygenase activity ↓ by vitamin E, quercitin, cloves, turmeric, resveratrol, garlic, boswellia Cox 1 & 2 Prostaglandins Series 2 & 3 Leukotrienes AA & EPA Lipoxygenase