Specifications Clean & Match WinPure, headquartered in Reading, United Kingdom are now one of the world’s leading providers of data cleansing & matching software and we work with clients and customers from all sectors across the globe. Our data quality solutions help thousands of organizations worldwide to help improve the quality of their information, helping them to increase profitability through more accurate data, and reducing costs by eliminating duplications, spelling errors and mistakes. We also provide a range of data services that are aimed at further improving data quality and providing a clean starting point for ongoing database management Specifications www.WinPure.com www.winpure.com | +1 (914) 598 2258 | + 44 (0) 1189 929 8100 | sales@winpure.com
About Us www.WinPure.com PC specifications: Clean & Match has been designed for use on Windows based PC systems. To get the best results you need to match the hardware to the job in hand. For smaller jobs where performance isn't an issue we would normally recommend a standard desktop machine which will no doubt be well above the minimum requirements (stated below). For larger data sets you should consider upgrading the hardware according to the recommendations below. We have identified the main areas which affect the software's performance below. Processor Speed: Processor speed or CPU speed (measured in GHz) controls the rate at which information can be processed. The higher the CPU speed, the faster the processing. Number of cores: The most critical parts of matching process in Clean & Match are working in parallel. Having more cores means better performances. Hard Disk Speed: The faster the hard disk the better. Clean & Marth is disk intensive and so the rate with which the data can be read and stored from and to the disk is an important factor. The higher the RPM the greater the data transfer rate. Deployment of data and temporary files is covered by a separate document on optimizing DataMatch Enterprise performance. A SCSI interface will further increase the transfer rate from the disk and so is beneficial especially when processing large volumes of information, although SATA is sufficient for the great majority of organizations). Using a RAID optimized for performance can also be very useful. When fast performance is a priority we recommend using Solid State Drives (SSDs) as these are capable of very fast data access. Memory: Although having more RAM than Clean & Match needs will not increase the speed of processing, having too little will decrease it dramatically. If running Windows XP we strongly recommend at least 2GB of free RAM (for a small/medium job), for larger jobs at least 4GB of free RAM is preferable. Operating System: Clean & Match is compatible with Windows operating systems from XP onward (including server versions). We usually recommend using the most up to date version of an 64 bit operating system as this will benefit Clean & Match in terms of memory usage and robustness. System Requirements Minimum • Windows XP • Pentium 4 (or equivalent) • 2GB free RAM • 300 MB Disk Space Optimum • Windows 7 • Intel Core i7 • 12GB RAM • SSD, or SCSI/SATA HDDs • 100 GB Disk Space www.WinPure.com www.winpure.com | +1 (914) 598 2258 | + 44 (0) 1189 929 8100 | sales@winpure.com
Vodafone Chooses WinPure for Data Matching About Us Vodafone Chooses WinPure for Data Matching Vodafone Group plc is a telecommunications company and is the world’s third-largest mobile telecommunications company measured by both subscribers and 2013 revenues, and had 453 million subscribers as of June 2013. www.WinPure.com Vodafone had a requirement to match all their account names from one list and correctly align to the same accounts on their master sales database. Although many of the company names matched exactly the same, they needed a method to identify the accounts that were the same but spelled incorrectly (eg. Dell > Dell Inc). An initial exercise was done using an exact match process and this identified very few matches. A closer inspection revealed there were many more that could be matched, but due to the size of each list this would take a considerable amount of time checking each and every account www.winpure.com | +1 (914) 598 2258 | + 44 (0) 1189 929 8100 | sales@winpure.com
Success Stories With over 4700 clients in 47 countries, WinPure has consistently gone above and beyond to ensure clients have the best technology for data cleansing and fuzzy record linkage. Are you Getting the Most out of Your Data? “Once you start using it, you can no longer imagine life without it! The easier and more familiar you become the more you will want to use it over and over! It will definitely become a part of your every workday life when dealing with data!” “This software was faster and easier to use than the competitor products we tested“ – G2 Crowd Review www.DataLadder.com Sales@DataLadder.com 1-866-557-8102 www.winpure.com | +1 (914) 598 2258 | + 44 (0) 1189 929 8100 | sales@winpure.com