National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network Serving Nanoscale Science, Engineering and Technology Sandip Tiwari, NNIN Director, Cornell University ECS-0335765 . NNIN is an integrated, networked partnership of user facilities serving the equipment resource and process needs of the nanoscale science, engineering and technology communities State-of-the-art facilities support all phases of nanoscale science and technology. Over 900 individual process and characterization tools are available on an open basis Over 150 experienced staff available to assist and instruct users at all levels Ph.D. Technical Liaisons provide additional high level technical assistance Technical consultation Projects can be started in as short as 2 weeks time with minimal paperwork Open to all: Academic, Government, and Industry Intellectual property protection Affordable costs Quantum Structures Nanofabrication Processes Nanoscale Physics Chemistry at the Nanoscale Nanobiotechnology Nanoparticles Nano- and Microelectronics Optics and Optoelectronics Nano- and Micromechanics Nano- and Microfluidics Nanostructure Science Molecular Scale Structures Self-Assembled Structures Molecular Electronics Polymers Nanocrystals Nanocomposites Bioengineering Magnetics Ferroelectrics Soft Materials Biophysics Chemical Sensors Geology/Earth Sciences Education and Outreach K-12 Educational Activities and Materials Workshops and Short Courses Research Experience For Undergraduates Nanooze Nanoexpress iREU/2REU Research Experience for Teachers Laboratory Experience for Faculty International Winter School (iWSG) Topical Symposia Tutorials and Training Society and Ethics in Nanotechnology Issues and Impacts Activities and Resources Health and Safety Discussions and Public Forums Technology Impact Workshops and Symposia Economic Impact Historical Archive Workforce Impact Surveys Resource Allocation Case Studies Equity and Diversity Curriculum Materials Sustainability Privacy All accessible via