ModulE 1 DREAMS@WORK VENUE: .... DatE: ... Trainer name Company
TOP ADULT JOB/ CAREER DREAMS/ ASPIRATIONS/GOALS TOP KIDS/YOUTH JOBS DANCER, ACTOR, MUSICIAN, TEACHER, SCIENTIST, ATHLETE, VET, FIREFIGHTER, DETECTIVE, PILOT, WRITTER, POLICE OFFICER ASTRONAUT, LAWYER, DOCTOR Higher salary/promotion Good and supporting team atmosphere Professional growth Networking possibilities Change career Start your own business Become known as an expert in your field
Key tips & tricks on how to get closer to your career dreams #1 learn about yourself #2 Don't be deterred by a lack of experience #3 Ease into a new career one foot at a time #4 Remember that any progress is good progress #5 Start early #6 Have realistic expectations #7 Develop mentoring relationships! #8 Quantify results! #9 Show off with the good work you did! #10 Establish a bond with your boss! #11 Acquire new knowledge and skills #12 Build your network #13 Ask for more responsibilities #14 Act professionally at all time Key tips & tricks on how to get closer to your career dreams
Now, lets practice how to make our dreams come true!