Excessive itchiness around the anus especially at night.
Enterobius vermicularis
Clear adhesive tape applied to the perianal area of a child reveals numerous football-shaped Enterobius ova. Scratching the perianal area leads to hand contamination with infective ova and reinfection of the host.
Anterior end of Enterobius vermicularis adult worm.
Pinworm spewing its eggs Pinworm spewing its eggs. Enterobius vermicularis is prevalent throughout the world but occurs more commonly in temperate climates. The name is derived from the long, sharply pointed tail of the female worm. Gravid females contain an average of 11, 000 ova, which they deposit in the perianal and perineal areas during their nightly migrations. Resultant anal pruritus is the most common symptom of this infection.
Multiple adult pinworms on perianal skin
Adult pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) in the perianal area of a 14-year-old boy. Perianal inspection 2 to 3 hours after the child goes to sleep may reveal pinworms that have migrated outside of the intestinal tract.
Threadworm observed in the cecum of a 35-year-old woman during colonoscopy.
Cross-section of human appendix containing Enterobius vermicularis.
Enterobiasis (pin worm or threadworm infection) Enterobiasis (pin worm or threadworm infection). Top : section showing adult pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) in lumen of appendix. Down : showing numerous eggs within the coiled uteri.
Enterobius eggs in an ovary Enterobius eggs in an ovary. Rarely, female worms migrate into the vagina and gain entrance to the peritoneal cavity via the female reproductive system. Granuloma capsules form around the ova and may be responsible for chronic pelvic peritonitis.
Enterobiasis (pinworm or threadworm infection) Enterobiasis (pinworm or threadworm infection). A caracteristic egg of E. vermicularis, collected by adhesive cellophane tape pressed against the perianal area.
Treatment Enterobius vermicularis can be treated with several antihelminthic drugs, e.g. pyrantel pamoate, pyrvinium pamoate or mebendazole.