Regions and activities Globalisation, accessibility & knowledge society
Technologic key drivers ICT convergence (mobile phones, video & TV, Internet) will provide universal, just-in-time and user-friendly access to information, world-wide. ICT will induce the substitution of low-added value personal travel, but also an exponential growth of flows and movements (persons, freight, resources, information), specially at global scale. ICT will faciliate better management of scarce transport infrastructure and service optimisation ICT will make more competitive and sustainable individual and customised communication modes (e.g. road clean vehicles in relation to rail)
Overall, economic growth will not be decoupled from transport growth. Economic key drivers Knowledge-based activities will generate economic growth with relatively less transport and communication demands. Overall, economic growth will not be decoupled from transport growth. Transport will become in central regions and large metropolis a constrain for developement. Many activities will internalise their transport demands not to loose productivity. Differences on transport and communication endowment between regions will become less significant explaining economic gaps.
Social key drivers Virtual relations and comunities will grow globally, additional to territorial-based communities. For the first time, youngers will be more competent in more advanced technologies. The education system will become more open, and participatory. More individualistic and heterogeneous ways of living and working will emerge. Public spaces and facilities (e.g. Transportation terminals) will become fundamental assets for social inclusion. Time devoted to transport and communication will become better valorised, for social interaction: entretaining, leisure or work.
Spatial and Environmental key drivers Creation of the European megalopolis. A continous urbanised areas with different density levels. Total linear urbanisation of the Mediterranean coast. North-south migration. Concentration of more advanced activities in leading areas, and exclusive zones. Emergence of functionally closed zones. Internalisation of environmental impacts within urbanisation processes (emissions, accidents...)
Road will reach 77% passangers i 55% freigh. Transport key drivers Road will reach 77% passangers i 55% freigh. Air passanger transport will double Maritime transport will grow 4% each year (up to 15% for conteiners). Rail will keep 8% freight and 5% passengers Time devoted to transport and communication will become better valorised, for social interaction: entretaining, leisure or work.
Territorial key drivers Most regions become funcional metropolitan areas Reinforcement of cross-border regions. Economic gaps will be reduced at national and regional level. Important gaps will remain at urban level. West-East integration will be faster than expected Increasing tensions between the north and south of the Mediterranean.
More active involvement in south mediterranean countries. Political key drivers ICT will induce more participatory and well-informed decision-making processes. More investment in infrastructure is achieved through Public Private Partnerships. New taxation will tend to be applied based on environmental criteria (Road pricing achieved by using satelite and other positioning technologies...) EU policies redefined by territories (Coast, mountains, islands, rural areas, medium-size cities, large cities...). More active involvement in south mediterranean countries.