Lab Safety
When working in the Laboratory …. Tie back loose clothing Do Not wear open-toed shoes Wear goggles
Never eat in the Laboratory
MSDS Stands for Material Safety Data Sheets
If a small fire develops Contact your teacher at once Locate a fire extinguisher
Always Wash your hands with running water for 15 minutes if you are splashed with an unknown solution
Use a fire blanket if some one catches fire Stop –drop-and roll
The most dangerous Hazard coding on the MSDS is 4
The least dangerous Hazard coding on the MSDS is 0
The best way to avoid fire dangers is … Practice fire prevention!
Never return solutions back into the original container
Use an eye wash for 15 minutes if you get an unknown solution in your eye
Before handling any equipment Make sure your lab apron and goggles are on Also make sure loose clothing and hair are pulled back
When heating a test tube Make sure the opening is pointing away from you and others
Always dispose waste in designated areas Nothing goes down the sink!
Always fan fumes of unknown solutions toward your nose In order to protect your respiratory system
Always add acid to water Remember A & W When diluting an acid Always add acid to water Remember A & W
When fumes become too much … Leave the room
Reactions that give off a great deal of fumes should be done under the Fume hood!
When using a fire extinguisher …. Always point the extinguisher toward the base of the flame