From: To: Sent: Friday, November 24, 2006 3:57 PM Subject: Oan-line Phonetics Hallo ma frien. A've jist bein listnin tae a bit o yer phonetics lecture oan Scots an whit a bonnie job ye've made o't tae. Jist braw. A'm luikin forart tae gaun through the hale course. It's richt interstin tae hear whit ye mak o the Scots an A canna wait tae hear aw the ithir Inglishes ye're spikkin aboot. Ye deserve a prize fur yer darg! Min whan yon lad speirt ye aboot the Gaelic an ye didnae unnerstaun first aff whit he wis sayin? Did ye say 'Tha' tae him? Hae ye the Gaelic yersel? Best regairds, John Campbell
Father thought he saw a lot of grass in the back yard
Father thought he saw a lot of grass in the back yard PALM THOUGHT THOUGHT LOT BATH TRAP START fAð0 ÞOt i sO 0 lot 0v grAs in ð0 bæk jAd fáð0r Þöt i sö 0 lát 0v græs in ð0 bæk járd fAð0 ÞOt i sO 0 lot 0v gras in ð0 bak jAd fáð0r ÞOt i sO 0 lát 0v græs in ð0 bæk járd fáð0r Þát i sá 0 lát 0v græs in ð0 bæk járd fAð0 Þöt i sö 0 löt 0v gras in ð0 bak jArd
v vv vv