HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Informal vs. Formal Singular vs. Plural
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS French uses two subject pronouns for “you”. Tu Informal and Singular (talking to one person) Vous Formal or Plural (talking to more than one person)
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS There are a few questions that need to be answered in order to determine which pronoun to use. Think of who you are addressing. Are you speaking to more than one person? Should you show respect to that person? Is the person serving you? Is the person a stranger and older than you? Are you worried about offending that person?
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Are you speaking to more than one person? YES Use VOUS. NO Go to the next step.
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Should you show respect to that person? YES Use VOUS. NO Go to the next step.
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Is the person serving you? YES Use VOUS. NO Go to the next step.
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Is the person a stranger and older than you? YES Use VOUS. NO Go to the next step.
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Are you worried about offending that person? YES Use VOUS. NO Use TU.
HOW TO CHOOSE BETWEEN TU AND VOUS Helpful Hints: When in doubt, use VOUS. Using VOUS when you could use TU may seem distant, but using TU when you should use VOUS is rude. It is better seeming distant than being rude. Always use TU for immediate family, small children and pets. There are verbs for using TU and VOUS with others. They are: TUTOYER VOUVOYER