SUDAN Group 3 - Coordination
How do we structurally need to configure coordination to bring Nutrition Cluster, development partners and Government/SUN together? Government now always in front of humanitarian response however there are still have parallel systems – SUN and humanitarian response Consider a role for advocacy for better understanding of advantages of better coordination (e.g. Allow for smooth movement from emergency to recovery to development) Humanitarian actors to change the narrative of humanitarian response plan to talk not about “look at numbers of hungry/malnourished etc” but rather to talk about how “good nutrient and food security means better educated population, more development of country, etc.” Leadership of government maintained across different level Government acknowledging importance of nutrition and allocate funds
What systems need to be put in place and what support will be required to move forward? Engagement of government systems at all levels LOUs are currently for development action – consider expanding membership and commitment to include humanitarian action Agreement and articulation during planning for collective ‘exit’/’hand over’ from humanitarian response actions to development/ government actions including investment in sustainability by all actors Deliberate coordination, monitoring mechanisms, and information sharing amongst platforms/networks (e.g. institutionalizing the coordination) to inform future planning
Under the UNDAF collective outcomes ‘new way of working’ groups are being established to connect the humanitarian and development programs. How should these be structured and leveraged? During planning phase include in the HRP a development objective(s) and the SUN and/or UNDAF include a humanitarian objective(s) SUN planning / actions can build enabling environment to support UNDAF (i.e. building committees, advocacy, capacity strengthening, etc)
How should the SUN coordination mechanism evolve to accommodate the needs? Agree on roles and contributions of SUN networks as they are currently increasing membership and maturing SUN movement could take a bigger role as bridge between humanitarian and development Consider potentially SUN movement have a dedicated network for ‘fragility’ and link that back to multi-stakeholder platform in government. Allow for engagement between humanitarian sector and multi-stakeholder platform in government SUN still had central level only Consider building SUN state-level focal points but recognize that there are already sub-national clusters so development coordination from the inception
How can sub-national coordination be sustained and scaled-up? Advocacy Strengthen role of government at sub-national level for strong leadership including financial and in-kind inputs Better joint planning, integrated responses, and complementary actions amongst partners at sub-national level