Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) Youth employment 2/24/2019 Robert Hansen – Youth adviser Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) Youth employment Tittel på foredrag | 12.11.04 | side 01
The situation in Norway Last year: unemployment rate was 1.7 percent at the lowest Today it is 3.1 percent and rising The youth unemployment rate is usually two or three times higher Today it is 8.7 percent (between the ages 15 and 24 years) 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag
The situation in Norway The unemployment rate for young people from ethnic minorities is even higher. Usually 4 or 5 times higher In 1995 an youth guarantee was introduced by the government It guarantied young people under the age of 25 years the right to either work, education or skills training within 6 months of unemployment Research and documentation has shown that it is increasing the young peoples possibilities to enter the work life 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag
The situation in Norway It was not a policy the new center/right government in 1997 wanted to continue, and the youth guarantee was removed LO in Norway has demanded a reintroduction of the youth guarantee ever since The LO leader called for a European youth guarantee during the ETUC congress in 2003 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag
The situation in Norway Today we have three different guarantees: A youth guarantee that gives everyone under the age of 20 years the right to secondary school A guarantee that the manpower services will help you in your search for a job. This guarantee helps everyone between the age of 15 and 24 years, within an unemployment period of 6 months It consists of measures like help to active job seeking, motivation and individual activities 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag
The situation in Norway In 2009 the government introduced a new guarantee. This guarantee gives young people between age 15 and 24 years the right to skills training after a unemployment period of at least 6 months LO in Norway's position today is that the youth guarantee must be improved and more aimed at specific target groups as well We want an youth guarantee that gives young people under the age of 25 years the right to either work, education or skills training within an unemployment period of 3 months 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag
Youth policy and campaigns 2/24/2019 Youth policy and campaigns The right to apprenticeship places for all after the second year of upper secondary school Studies in some European countries that has a good educational system including a system for apprenticeship has shown that the youth unemployment in general is lower than in countries without a good system for apprenticeship LO in Norway has also called for a guarantee of inclusion of young people 24.02.2019 Tittel på foredrag Tittel på foredrag | 12.11.04 | side 01