Culture Research Project South America - Brazil Aubrey Needles Perry
Map of Brazil Brazil is located in South America. South America has many county's and it has the pacific ocean around it.
Brazils flag represents there country.It is a symbol of there home. Flag of Brazil
Language of Brazil The language of Brazil is not like other languages. It is how they speak .They are unique in a spiecil way.They speak portuguesse.
Clothing of Brazil The clothes of Brazil are unique to it's how they dress.The like to wear different clothing then the US.
Food of Brazil They like to eat sea foods and steak they also like to eat fruits and veggtables and they like pies.
Art of Brazil The art from Brazil is very inspiering to young wemen and men that love art. It is very unique and most of it is one of a kind.
Beliefs of Brazil Brazil religion plays a major role in the lives of most of the people in this largest South American county. Roman Catholicism has been the main religion in Brazil since the 16th century.
Customs of Brazil The custums of Brazil are go way back along time ago the have been around for thousands of years.
Music of Brazil The music of Brazil is very unique.It is played with different kinds of insterments.It also has some insterments from the United states.