Results of the Pre-IW Survey
Learning Style CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Tax Season Concerns Most frequent responses Also concerning Counselors making mistakes on tax returns Having enough Counselors Also concerning Having enough site leaders Having enough clients Amount of time taken by admin Other responses Training on new software Time to complete a return Unresolved TaxSlayer issues Software and server downtime Having enough instructors ACA CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Training Time A wide range Min: 2 Max: 12 Mode: 5 Q: How do we know our training is effective? CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Training Time Some considerations Long training periods make it hard for volunteers to commit Weekday training makes it hard for volunteers to commit New vs. returning Counselors Centralized vs. decentralized training CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Workshop Topics Very important to include TaxSlayer What’s new in Federal tax law What’s new in State tax law Somewhat important to include Training resources and where to find them Teaching techniques for adult learners The certification process Succeeding in Link & Learn Not important to include A review of last year’s numbers How to develop a training plan CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Concerned about Training? CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016
Other Comments The best way to learn the software is through practice Will need to increase workshop sessions combined with self-study I think it will take twice as long to do a return in TaxSlayer Not having forms/form tree is a big change Counselors may be less able to explain a completed return (because TaxSlayer is not forms-based) Is there a recommended process for quality review? CO1 Instructor Workshop 2016