Z. Huang LCLS Lehman Review May 14, 2009 FEL Study Plans Z. Huang LCLS Lehman Review May 14, 2009
Questions to be addressed here What is the plan for detailed study and understanding of FEL performance and its sensitivity to the beam brightness, matching, (energy and phase errors), LSC, CSR, etc.?
What has been done? FEL gain length in nom. conditions (3 kA, 0.25 nC, 0.4 µm) FEL-induced electron energy loss (4-8 MeV, or >1012) Effects of Laser heating Post-saturation taper FEL bandwidth & central wavelength using Ni K-edge Different compression configurations Transverse coherence test (diffraction on finder-wires) 20 pC run (fs pulses?) Drive Laser spatial shaping study
What is planned Gain length dependence on Ipk (CSR?) & energy spread (LSC?) to understand our slice parameters Gain length dependence on projected emittance, b-matching, different average beta in undulator Emittance spoiling studies (using UV laser, OTR) FEL wavelength tuning (1.5 nm – 1.5 Å) Look for nonlinear third harmonic (in FEE?) BC2 over-compression for chirped SASE More extensive 20 pC studies Other charge configurations (1 nC, 100 pC?)
Gain length and saturation level At nominal machine conditions (250 pC, 3 kA under-compression, LH at 7 mJ, 13.6 GeV, 1.5 Å) gex,y = 0.4 mm (slice) Ipk = 3.0 kA sE/E = 0.01% (slice) 4.6 MeV DK/K = 0.16% FEL Gain Length = (3.3 ± 0.3) m Saturation energy ~ 1 mJ Most studies are done with these nominal parameters, will explore more beam parameter space
12 undulators inserted here Laser Heater Studies Heater has shown its effectiveness More studies to determine optimal heating and slice energy spread 12 undulators inserted here Laser optimal heater on heater off Laser heater OFF
Dependence on peak current Laser heater =76 uJ Laser heater =11 uJ 12 undulators inserted (FEL not saturated here)
FEL bandwidth Used Ni K-edge (w/ 12 undulators), Ni replaced by B4C May use YAG K-edge with saturated FEL at 11.3 GeV + enough attenuation Error function fit yields s=0.1% (FEL BW)
Post-saturation Taper > 8 MeV E-loss (2 mJ) More taper studies with 8 more undulators to be installed
Preliminary 20 pC results Lased at 20 pC and saturated with 60 mJ energy Do not know bunch length (must be short to support lasing) More extensive 20 pC studies Try to determine how short is the pulse? Photodiode signal after BC2 suggests bunch length < 1 mm (Ding et al., SLAC-PUB-13525) 20 pC FEL results
Drive Laser shaping study Laser spatial shaping to determine sensitivity of slice emittance and FEL gain on drive laser transverse uniformity (effects of transverse space charge) 20 mesh 50 mesh 2 x 50 mesh 180 mesh ‘Bagel’ ‘Donut’ ‘Airy’ ‘Gaussian’ Slice emittance and FEL not very sensitive to spatial shaping, worse case 20 MG with emittance ~ 2 mm
Other studies FEL dependence on laser temporal uniformity (effects of LSC) FEL gain length at higher peak current, and in over-compression mode (effects of CSR) Look for third harmonic with fundamental strongly attenuated (presence of strong third harmonic is another indication of FEL saturation)