Misuse of statistical Data - a Brainstorming - Sponsorship Group on Communication Wiesbaden, 20-21 January 2011 Klaus Poetzsch
Overview – How to deal with misuse? Typology Identification Reaction Terms and conditions 24.02.2019
1. Typology of misuse of statistical data Character of misuse False report Misinterpretation (unknowingly or intentional) Criticism Heaviness (formal error) Marginal misuse (error) Serious misuse (error) Danger for corporate image Spread of misuse Limited publicity High publicity Public scandal 24.02.2019
2. Identification (detection) of misuse Possible reactions depend on time of detection! Internal identification Observation of news agencies Alerts (e.g. Google) Regular press monitoring External identification Calls or inquiries of journalists Public report about misuse of others 24.02.2019
3. Reactions on misuse Publicity Threshold Call (E-Mail) to editorial journalist (e.g. false report or unknowingly misinterpretation – formal or marginal error – limited publicity) Official letter to editorship (e.g. unknowingly or intentional misinterpretation – serious misuse – limited publicity) Publicity Threshold Public letter to the editor (e.g. false report or intentional misinterpretation – serious misuse – limited publicity) Press release (e.g. false report or intentional misinterpretation – serious misuse – high publicity) Counterstatement (e.g. false report or intentional misinterpretation – serious misuse or danger for corporate image – high publicity) Press conference or other public statement (e.g. false report or intentional misinterpretation –danger for corporate image – scandal) 24.02.2019
4. Terms and conditions of possible reactions Time of detection Manning Equipment Coordination with other persons/organizations concerned 24.02.2019
Misuse - An Example 24.02.2019
Own detection (regular press monitoring) False report Serious error High publicity (Message was repeated by other leading media.) Press release 24.02.2019
Thank you! Klaus Poetzsch Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden Klaus.poetzsch@destatis.de