Kubla Khan / Romantic Poetry Logan Stone & Sadie Dibrell
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Founder of the romantic movement in England An English Poet Very close friends with another romanticism poet William Wordsworth
Theme and Summary Of Kubla Khan The theme is the interaction between nature and man which is seen in all of Coleridge's poems. The summary of Kubla Khan is, a man named Kubla Khan traveled to the land of Xanadu, where Khan finds a “miracle rare device” dome that is made of ice caves where it sits in a sunny place.
Speaker Description The speaker describes that the “state pleasuredome” that Xanadu is according to Kubla Khan, where the sacred river Alph ran “through caverns to measureless man down to the sunless sea”
Alliteration Examples The title Kubla Khan is the first example Line 25, “Five miles meandering with with a mazy motion” Line 16, “women wailing” Line 5, “a sunless sea”
Was this poem a part of a dream? This poem may be apart of a dream because one night while he was asleep he had a weird dream about the emperor Kubla Khan and that he was writing a poem and when he woke up, a few hours later he sat down to try to rewrite the poem of the dream.