Christ the King, St. Teresa Catholic Elementary Schools S A R C Christ the King, St. Teresa Catholic Elementary Schools
Thank you for the opportunity to address you this evening. Since the SARC began, we have a new director and a new supervisor so we thought it was important to reiterate our needs and concerns for the Christ the King, St. Teresa community.
Christ The King, St. Teresa SARC At present the TDSB schools offer the following in our area in the Lakeshore: French Immersion at Sir Adam Beck and John English Arts focus at James S Bell Gifted at Second Street All of the area TDSB schools have been renovated or rebuilt
Christ the King, St. Teresa SARC While CTK can boast the highest EQAO scores in the Lakeshore area consistently for the past 5 years, we cannot compete with the new buildings and specialized programming that the TDSB offers.
Christ The King, St. Teresa SARC The opportunity to build a new school by the Father John Redmond site can easily remedy this. The parents in our community were committed to the SARC process – we were the first school to complete the process and worked together to achieve the best outcomes for all schools involved.
Christ The King, St. Teresa SARC We are also committed to ensuring that the best programming is offered at the new site. Because we feed into an AP-Arts focused school, we would like to offer the following: An Arts focused school – We enter the Lakeshore area Christmas art contest annually. Each year one of our students is awarded a prize.
Christ The King, St. Teresa SARC A Gifted centre – congregated or withdrawal. We currently have 8 out of 22 students identified as gifted in our gr. 5 class – certainly a tribute to the hard work and partnerships of parents and staff.
Christ the King, St. Teresa SARC More than half of last year’s graduating class successfully applied and are enrolled in Redmond’s RAP and/or AP program. This also shows the commitment of our students to have access to the best possible education.
Christ the King, St. Teresa SARC An ECO school – we have had silver status for the past 3 years and are looking forward to being an example for the province to follow when we include an number of ECO ideas into the new building.
Christ the King, St. Teresa SARC Currently page 112 of the LTAP plan has CTK scheduled for LD. While we welcome the opportunity to help students with learning issues, this designation will not draw our catholic parents back to the new school.
Christ the King, St. Teresa SARC We are aware that the option on the land needs to be exercised by the end of this month. We implore you to follow-up with that and consider the possibility of the new build being an ECO school with an arts and gifted centre for the Lakeshore area. Our standardized test scores and accomplishments to date clearly indicate that we can easily support this.
Christ The King, St. Teresa SARC Our area needs this new school with these designations in order to continue to provide our children with the highest level of education and also to keep our children in their own neighbourhood schools.
Christ The King, St. Teresa Elementary Catholic Schools THANK YOU Christ The King, St. Teresa Elementary Catholic Schools