4th Grade A Peek at the week… Weekly Deadlines REMINDERS 3/12-3/16 REMINDERS DBLYTHE@SJACADEMY.ORG *ADANIELS@SJACADEMY.ORG DFELIX@SJACADEMY.ORG * AKENT@SJACADEMY.ORG * JWILKINSON@SJACADEMY.ORG Please continue to check and sign planners every day! Sign up for conferences for next week! Present Classroom Needs: Expo Markers, Pencils, CASE of water & Whiteboard Erasers Weekly Deadlines MATH: Complete daily math each night Study weekly division math fact! READING: 20 minutes each night Log minutes in planner every day! Sign reading calendar for challenge! Spelling: Spelling City each night! Monday- Wednesday Lesson 1 Spelling & Vocabulary *Please see SpellingCity.com as well as student planners throughout the week for words to practice Daily Homework Practice Tuesday- Science Week 5 Test Thursday- Friday Reading Test- “Because of Winn Dixie” Lesson 1 Spelling/Vocab Test Thursday- Chapter 9 Mid- Chapter Checkpoint Upcoming Events Conference Week 3/12-3/16 (Minimum Days) Read-A-Thon Fundraiser Ask friends and family to donate 3/12-3/26 BOOK FAIR March 26-30th Grammar Test (Lesson 1- Sentences)