Scott Coffin Adam Faucher Jason Graika Brian Voelz Client: Honeywell Advisor: Dr. Zhengdao Wang
Short range wireless control device The desired outcome of this project is for the transmitter to communicate with the receiver and have the receiver do a particular command that was programmed by the dongle. Four deliverables Transmitter, Receiver, Programming Dongle, and GUI 2
Plan for project is for the transmitter to communicate with receiver based on push button input Receiver will do a particular command that was programmed by the wireless dongle. All devices will communicate using Bluetooth
System consists of four components: Transmitter(Tx) Receiver(Rx) Bluetooth Dongle GUI for programming Rx 4
Unit layout
GUI Prototype
Parts All parts have been ordered. Main Components RN41 Bluetooth Transceiver AVR ATTiny84 AVR ISP MKII Programmer Voltage Regulator LEDs SMT to DIP interface boards for Bluetooth Transceiver testing
Programming Have two AVR ISP MKII programmers Had large amount of difficulties establishing connection with microcontroller Have successfully made connection with microcontroller Have run basic programs on microcontroller
Unit testing Currently testing communication links between Bluetooth devices Testing communication between microcontroller and Bluetooth devices
Finished prototype testing – 3/20 Ordered final PCB board – 4/1 Board populated and working - 4/22 Final project Repot – 4/25 Final project Report- 4/25