Putting It All Together Good morning. You guys just got a quick overview of the 5 central themes Let’s take a look at how the Syllabus puts it all together and why Believe it or not there is a method to the madness (click) Joe Vicini Scoutmaster
The Wood Badge Syllabus Guidance for Delivering the Course The Presentations and Other Activities Five Central Themes Organized to modern learning theories Activities link it all together Backwards references and forward inferences The Wood Badge syllabus really has two major components. Guidance on how to deliver the course, such as needed materials, and logistical issues. And the bulk of it is the presentations and other activities. We start off with The Course Overview; telling the participants what we are going to tell them. And we end the course with the Summary Session; reviewing what we told them ____________________ In between, the syllabus is organized to correspond to modern adult learning theories. Some of the Wood Badge sessions are learning sessions, and some are applications of learning. The order of the sessions is designed to build onto one another — all of the elements are linked. Presentations frequently refer back to those that have already been given and often present clues of things to come. What’s important is that like the construction of a building, starting at the bottom and working to the top, the sessions must be given in sequence to maximize their learning potential A few minutes ago heard a rapid fire high level overview of the five Central themes. Let’s look at them again now. (click)
VALUES, MISSION AND VISION Listening to Learn Communication Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness Generations in Scouting Coaching and Mentoring LEAVING A LEGACY Servant Leadership Project Planning Leading Change Decision Making & Problem Solving Managing Conflict Self Assessment Stages of Team Development The Leading EDGE / The Teaching EDGE Here you see the 15 major course presentations aligned around the five central themes of the course. Lets take a look at when the presentations take place during the course. But before we do; we need to understand what is going on in the course when the presentations take place. (click) VALUES, MISSION AND VISION
Forming Storming Norming Performing E D G WHERE ARE THEY? WHAT ARE WE DOING? Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Forming Storming Norming Performing This slide depicts where we can expect a typical patrol to be during the two course weekends. Don will have much more information about this in his presentation this afternoon. (click) And below that are the corresponding leadership skills. Now let’s overlay the five central themes. E D G
Development of Central Themes Servant Leadership LEAVING A LEGACY 5. Leading to Make a Difference VALUES, MISSION AND VISION 1. Living the Values Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness Listening to Learn Communication Generations in Scouting Coaching and Mentoring 2. Bringing the Vision to Life The Leading EDGE / The Teaching EDGE Stages of Team Development 3. Models for Success Project Planning Problem Solving and Decision Making Leading Change Self Assessment Managing Conflict 4. Tools of the Trade Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Forming Norming I’ve removed the E.D.G.E. elements to simplify the slide (click) First there’s Living the Values on day one of the course. Bringing the Vision to Life presentations consist of a number of fundamental leadership skills and are spread throughout the course. Models for Success are presentations related to “Teams”. As you can see these presentations are given on days two and three when patrols are most likely to be “Storming” and in need of tools to help them understand why that is happening and how to deal with it. Tools of the Trade are higher level leadership skills presented mostly during the second course weekend. The importance of the order of the presentations is quite evident here. Do you think that a patrol would be successful at solving problems without first understanding how to listen and communicate with each other or how to recognize the varied skills of it’s members. I don’t think so either. And finally there’s Leading to Make a Difference. (click) Storming Performing
How Do Adults Learn? Experience it Process it Generalize it Apply it Past or provided experiences Reactions, feelings and affects of the experience Identify trends, truths & draw conclusions Try out new conclusion Now let’s take a few minutes to explore how the syllabus is designed to maximize learning. Educational theorist David Kolb says that adults learn in a cyclical fashion. They come to any experience with some background They have the experience and process it Then they generalize about what has taken place. And finally they apply what they learned Experience—consist of both past experience and provided experience Process—learners react and measuring their feelings and the affects that the experience has had on them Generalize—new information is taken in — especially if it is offered in session—and a hypothesis is formulated about how a similar experience will be handled the next time. Apply—try out new conclusion Knowing that, the Wood Badge course is structured to create the maximum educational potential. (click)
Independencies Day 2 The Zulu Toss game during Troop Meeting 2 is an introduction to Communication and is debriefed as a communication game. The Front-End Alignment Game leads into Stages of Team Development, and the Project Planning sessions are the beginning of that application. The Inclusiveness session is the group’s introduction to diversity.
Interdependencies Day 2 The patrol daily assessment, Gilwell Gazette, and patrol leaders’ council meeting are all examples of where communication takes place. Rockets, the conservation project, and overnight planning are all troop activities that reinforce the need for project planning. With the Rockets presentation being the first time teams are asked to produce, they could arrive at the second stage of team development.
Learning at Wood Badge Experience it Process it Generalize it Apply it Activity Front End Alignment On their own or debrief By Troop Guide Learning session Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness/Stages of Team Development Weekend Two Outdoor experience, exhibit In order to be sure that all participants have some experience, one is provided for them during a connective element, like one of the games. For example Front End Alignment Participants develop feelings on their own or during the debrief of the experience. For Front End Alignment the debrief is led by the Troop Guide. A learning session soon follows—although it is not always immediate. In this case the following two learning sessions, Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness and The Stages of Team Development follow directly after the debrief. The Patrol Leader Council meeting later in the day serves as follow-up experience to reinforce the learning, The participant has an opportunity to apply the learning again during the second course weekend.
Development of Central Themes VALUES, MISSION AND VISION 1. Living the Values Leveraging Diversity Through Inclusiveness Listening to Learn Communication Generations in Scouting Coaching and Mentoring 2. Bringing the Vision to Life The Leading EDGE / The Teaching EDGE Stages of Team Development 3. Models for Success LEAVING A LEGACY 5. Leading to Make a Difference Project Planning Problem Solving and Decision Making Leading Change Self Assessment Managing Conflict 4. Tools of the Trade Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Servant Leadership Before we conclude let’s look at the slide on the five central themes again You will notice that two of the central themes consist of only one presentation each. Values, Mission and Vision on Day 1 and Leaving a Legacy on Day 6. The connection of these two goes back to the reason that Wood Badge exists in the first place, Improving the Quality of the Scouting Program for the Youth We Serve. It starts with the core principles of Scouting and culminates with how each of us can have a profound positive impact on the program. All sandwiched around a group of leadership skills designed to get us from point A to point B. Are there any questions? (click)
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