1 Test Coordinator Training Spring 2014 Test Security
2 The 4 Ss Protect: Students Staff Self Standards Based Assessments
3 Standardization Equity, access, and validity of results Standardization maintained through ADMINISTRATION TAs read DFA 2 weeks BEFORE testing
Standardization TAs adhere to ALL directions and instructions in DFA During testing, TAs read scripts from DFA EXACTLY as written
5 Prohibited Practices Photocopying or reproducing test materials Paraphrasing test questions or directions Coaching or assisting students with items before, during, or after the assessment Allowing students to interact until all students have tested (CBT)
Prohibited Practices Leaving test materials unattended in unlocked room Taking test materials off campus (unless authorized by PED)
7 Prohibited Practices Diminishing the significance or importance of the tests Having a cell phone, smart phone, e-reader, or tablet on person during testing (staff may use devices for internal communication) Stray-mark clean-up is STRICTLY PROHIBITED
8 Prohibited Practices STRAY MARK CLEAN-UP School staff MAY alter biogrid information ONLY Staff may not erase or change any other marks on the answer document Answer documents with concerns may be returned in the Special Handling Envelope with an explanatory note
9 Electronic Devices PED Policy Follow required steps. School/district determines student/staff discipline. Goal: to maintain test security
10 Electronic Devices School must clearly state 1)NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES DURING TESTING and 2)VIOLATION RESULTS IN CONFISCATION AND SEARCH OF DEVICE. If student is caught with device during testing: TA collects device Student continues testing (if possible) TA gives device to STC/DTC/Principal STC/DTC/Principal has phone checked for content STC/DTC fills out Irregularity Report and submits to PED Student reprimand: at discretion of school/district
11 FormsKeep for 5 Years All staff and proctors must sign the Staff Confidentiality Agreement Students testing outside the regular schedule (make-ups, special pull-outs) must sign the Student Confidentiality Agreement Principals and Superintendents Verification Forms
12 Storage of Test Materials LOCKED storage with limited access Account for all materials DAILY with details check-in and check- out forms Staff should not leave test materials in unattended classrooms
13 Materials Chain of Custody Count each booklet every time it changes location Sign in/out all materials Check sheets should indicate movement of materials for extended time, make-ups, accommodations, etc. Immediately report missing materials to STC, DTC, and PED
14 Testing Irregularity Any circumstance within or beyond the control of a school district that in the opinion of the PED or a school district, raises doubts about the propriety of standardized testing procedures, preparation of materials, standardized test administration, standardized testing security, student scores attained from standardized testing, or teacher or student conduct observed during standardized testing. ( A NMAC)
15 Testing Irregularity If a testing irregularity occurs: 1.TA reports to STC 2.STC reports to DTC 3.DTC and STC conduct internal investigation 4.DTC fills out Testing Irregularities Reporting Form and sends it to the PED
16 Testing Irregularity Report Testing Irregularities for: 1.SBA/HSGA 2.NMAPA/AAHSG 3.EoCs 4.ACCESS/W-APT 5.Interim Assessments
17 Testing Irregularity Results of Testing Irregularities: Implementation of procedures to prevent similar irregularities in future Possible invalidation of student scores if test is not a valid exhibit of student abilities Possible reprimand of staff
18 Testing Irregularity Most common Testing Irregularity: Students continue past current session. TAs MUST CIRCULATE ROOM AND ENSURE THAT STUDENTS DO NOT PROCEED BEYOND CURRENT SESSION.
19 Session Symbols At top of test booklet pages Session 1: Circles Session 2: Triangles Session 3: Squares
20 CBT-Specific Test Security 1.Students should be unable to see another students screen. 2.Students need enough room on their workstation to write in a paper Answer Document. 3.Computer volume should be low for students using headphones and the text-to-speech feature.
21 Questions?