Loki Detector Meeting 18/10/2017
Meeting Objectives Update Project teams on the current position of the detector development projects Identify if there is any reason the either technology is not suitable for Loki Update of any variation on timelines for the final technology decision Identify any new/underdeveloped areas of risk
Timeline Activity Completion Date Current Status/Query Specification document for detector 31/3/17 First draft currently available Schedule/cost for required development work for each technology Complete Interim Project Status Review 31/9/17 Project assessment of preferred technology(ies) 31/02/18 Board consideration of preferred technology By email after project assessment Selection of chosen technology(ies)
Decision Process The Loki project team and ISIS detector team will assess the implemented technologies against the science case driven requirements/specification document. In addition, the Loki project team and ISIS Detector team will assess: •The risk associated with the detector •The cost of the detector technology •The delivery timescale •The maintenance and operation of the technology •Any further criteria relevant to the science/business case delivery within the Loki project. The outcomes will be documented in a report and a recommendation made to the project sponsor.
Agenda LOKI detector meeting 18/10/2017 Draft agenda Introduction 13:00 – K Jones : Welcome and purpose of meeting 13:15 – A Jackson/D Turner : Updated LOKI Schedule and plans 13:30 - A Muraro : BAND-GEM Improved Demonstrator construction and first results 14:00 – A Muraro : Design of full BAND-GEM module 14:20 – G Gorini : Full module construction and test plan 14:30 – Coffee break 14:45 A Muraro : Concept for LOKI detector system with He-filled tank 15:15 G Gorini : Costing and time plan 15:30 D Raspino : Test results and plan for Boron Straws 16:00 Discussion and next steps.