Is your computer set up properly? Hey Angela, I lost the first file I printed out but I thought it was neat to consider each Folder in the orientation as a module. And I thought asking them questions makes them think about really answering it: “No, I don’t know if my comp is set up properly. No I don’t know how to submit an assignment.” I mean, we’ll still force them to go through it linearly and check their assignments but I like the idea of asking them a question in the folder title. Let me know what you think and if I’ve left anything out, then I can try fleshing out the skeleton we have here. Also, I created a mock orientation shell in Bb just so we can see what this’ll look like. Please check it out. It’s called Michelle’s Fake Student Orientation. Course ID is FAKE123. Let me know if it’s comprehensive enough. Thanks a bunch, Michelle Is your computer set up properly? Do you know the online learning basics? Topic: General Information Topic: Plagiarism Topic: Netiquette Run the System Check to find out.
Can you access your 3 accounts? Topic: Blackboard (log-in & intro video) Topic: Portal (log-in & intro video) Topic: MyPMI (log-in & intro video) Do you know how to submit assignments? Can use the Discussion Board? Topic: Download an Assignment Topic: Submit an Assignment (time difference) Topic: How Assign. are Graded (due dates) Topic: Post a Response Topic: Reply to a Post Topic: How Discussions are Graded Do you know how to take online quizzes? Can you check your grades? Topic: Instructions (time zone reminder) Topic: Take the Quiz (no back button) Topic: How Quizzes are Graded Topic: Access the Grade Center Topic: Understand the Grade Topic: Understand the Feedback