Annual Meeting of the Directors of the NSIs of the Mediterranean ENP Countries Updating on the first project of regionally coordinated migration surveys in the MED countries (MED-HIMS Phase One) Luxembourg 16-17 November 2011 NOM Prénom Fonction
Contents Overview Stakeholders and Donors (S&D) Meeting held in Cairo on 20 September 2011 Most recent and next steps
1. Overview Main objectives To overcome the lack of data on out-migration, return migration and migration intentions of nationals & data on forced migration of non-nationals in the MED countries To assist a closer cooperation on migration & development between the MED countries and receiving countries 3
1. Overview Main features Regional convergence of methodologies and model tools Initial proposal and commitment of participating countries Involvement of international institutions and high-level experts Long preparatory and consultative process High usefulness for policy formulation Adaptation of a first draft Model Questionnaires for the 2010 Palestinian Migration Survey Testing a possible arrangement for the future Euro-MED cooperation 4
1. Overview Focus on forced migration Collection of data on histories, experiences and practices on forced migration for residing non-nationals (i.e. the migration/asylum nexus, secondary movements, conditions in host countries, returns and intentions of refugees and people in need of international protection). 5
1. Overview Implementation modalities National surveys by the NSOs under the coordination of a Project Implementation Unit (PIU) Two phases (projects) MED-HIMS Phase One: Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and another country (with data collection in 2012-2013) MED-HIMS Phase Two: the three remaining countries Combination of international and national funding 6
Summary of main activities and milestones 2008 Initial proposal by the NSOs of 8 countries participating in MEDSTAT Preparation of national survey proposals in EG, JO, PS and SY 2009 Three regional workshops, consultations and development of first draft Model Questionnaires (MQs) UNHCR proposal for an additional module on forced migration 2010 Setting of Coordination Committee Adaptation of existing MQs for the Palestinian Migration Survey Revision of draft MQs and launching the preparation of data collection model manuals 2011 4th regional workshop on MQs Mandate of the NSOs for preparing a regional project proposal and organising a international donors meeting Stakeholders and Donors Meeting (20 September) Launching MED-HIMS Phase One by updating of 2 national project proposals
2. S&D Meeting: Participants The League of Arab States The World Bank (Development Data Group) ESCWA Statistics Division The national, regional and/or central offices of UNFPA, UNHCR, UNICEF, ILO and IOM The Arab Institute for Training and Research in Statistics The Support to the EU-Egypt Association Agreement Programme European Commission (EuropeAid, EUROSTAT, EU Delegation to Egypt, MEDSTAT III) 8
2. S&D Meeting: Main outcomes Endorsement of the proposal and budget. Proposal of regular implementation (e.g. every five years) or the frequent adoption of some parts. Contribution at making international migration a topic of concern and free discussion at national and regional level. Relevance for countries outside the MED region. Involvement of national and international specialists in data analysis. Making available detailed results for further exploitation. Implementation of strong communication measures. Distinction between funding and support from international institutions. 9
2. S&D Meeting: Financial arrangements Adoption of flexible arrangements already used in PAPFAM and other programmes Concentration of funds necessary for the PIU and TA to possibly a Multi Donor Trust Fund Setting-up separate agreements for expenditures in the countries All depending on the allocation of funds and the rules/procedures of each contributing institution & what can be the progressive integration of donors/funds and the overlap between phases. Commitment and possible funding of US$ 1.5 million, i.e. about 32% of the amount necessary for MED-HIMS Phase One. 10
3. Most recent and next steps Updating of national project proposals and promotion of surveys in Egypt and Jordan (Oct.-Nov. 2011). Start public information through the Eurostat website and a newsletter (Oct.-Nov. 2011). Defining the fourth country for Phase One. Consultations and meetings for funding and support to the following: MED-HIMS Phase One (& Phase Two) National MED-HIMS projects in Egypt, Jordan and other countries Signature of an agreement by the funding institutions as committed participants. Finalisation of model manuals for data collection & new regional workshop. Launching the preparatory activities in the first countries and the preparation of national projects in the second pair of countries.
Thank you شكرا Merci 12