Growing in Practice: High Impact Literacy Instruction Introductions (5 minutes) Facilitated by: Stacy Lord (K-5) Theresa Consorti (6-12)
(5 mins) How does this image connect to our work as reading and writing teachers?
Planting the Seed (10 mins) Begin with a block party. Pass out quotes and ask participants to pair up and share their thoughts about their quote. What part of our work as educators does this speak to? (instruction, collaboration, assessment, planning)
Instructional Mapping (5 mins) Share GaDOE curriculum maps on Padlet Ask: How far do you think an instructional map should be drilled down? Share Local school mapping resources
Analyzing Standards (5 mins)Click on tree rings to show Rigor Video
Perform./Process Skill Targets Steps 1 & 2 Standard: Determine the central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. Step 3 Identify the Learning Targets included in the standard: Knowledge Targets Reasoning Targets Perform./Process Skill Targets Product Targets Be able to summarize the text Use details and ideas to support your analysis of the theme and its development ID the central idea and supporting details ID the theme Sequence of events Model an analysis of Anchor Standard RL2. Give out vertical alignment of Writing Standard 8. Ask participants to analyze their particular grade level’s standard. (15 mins) Circle verbs; underline nouns (what are you DOING with the verb); Product target: does the standard require the student to DO anything? Knowledge targets: basics? Reasoning targets Performance/Process Skill Targets: real-time demonstration (fluency, segmenting words, oral presentation) Central idea, theme, summary, supporting details, development, etc. Step 4 What academic language do students need to know? Step 5 Which type of learning target best represents the level of rigor required by the Standard? Knowledge Reasoning Performance Skill Product
Common Assessments (5 mins) Address that the level of rigor = mastery of the standard. Must assess for mastery at that level. Product, performance/process level standards are difficult to assess through multiple choice. This is why there is section 3 of the Georgia Milestones. Based on our analysis of Standard 8, discuss assessment options. Share Milestones writing rubric as a guide.
Maximizing Instructional Time (10 mins) Share Instructional Framework and 4 components that maximize instructional time. Tables get a chart with the 4 components. Create a menu in each quadrant. Post charts upon finishing. (5 mins) Silent gallery walk and add comments. After Gallery Walk- teachers return to seats and click to show box around top 2.
Architecture of a Mini-Lesson You already know that direct instruction is important. Right now, I want to teach you about a specific model of instruction called the architecture of a mini-lesson. CONNECT TEACH ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT (10 min) Model a mini-lesson by taking participants through the process of teaching about the components of a mini-lesson and actively engaged them by turning and talking. (15 mins) The link to independence is to have them determine their level of understanding by placing a sticky on a spectrum with 3 levels. (architecture of what? Makes sense…. Ready to use it!) Divide participants in to 3 groups to engage in 3 different activities based on skill level. Learn more with an article Completes sort and adds additional ideas. Partners with another group member to write a lesson based on Writing Standard 8. LINK How familiar are you with this model?
Summarize (5 mins) Recap using tree analogies. Roots are the foundation, the trunk represents the solid instructional practices, the fruit represents the results of your hard work. Share Padlet Page Link and personal contact info.