Format for an Action Plan Identification of the problem or challenge to be tackled. Justification i.e. the background information as to why this problem or challenge is of priority. What are your objectives or what do you hope to achieve? Note that the objectives must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound (SMART) What are the expected outcomes (results). What are the indicators? That is the desired change that you hope to achieve or the impact which your project will have over a period of time. International Training Centre of the ILO
Format for an Action Plan Sources of verifications. Assumptions i.e. unforeseen internal or external factor/s that may negatively or positively impact your action plan. How? i.e. the activities that you intend to carry out to achieve your set objectives. On what i.e. content. Needed resources i.e. human, finance and material. International Training Centre of the ILO
Format for an Action Plan 11. Partners i.e. internal and external collaborators. 12. Target group i.e. intended beneficiaries. 13. Who? i.e. person/s responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the activities identified above. 14. Where? i.e. the places or venues where each of the activities identified above will take place. International Training Centre of the ILO
Format for an Action Plan 15. Monitoring and evaluation i.e. assessing results and impact in relation to pre-determined objectives and expected outcomes. 16. When? i.e. the timeframe for the implementation of each of the activities identified above. Budget. Source/s of funding. International Training Centre of the ILO
Summary of an Action Plan Format Problem or Challenge to be tackled Background and Justification Objectives Expected results Activities Target Group/s Needed Resources Partners Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability Strategy Timeframe International Training Centre of the ILO