PSS®E Update for WECC Good morning, welcome to psse presentation for the UGM I’m glenn pietrow, PSSE product manager and GUI developer Currently manage a team of 8 power engineers and computer scientists who develop/maintain and update PSSE + documentation specialist and QA team Joined by Dr. Krishnat Patil who’ll help me answer any questions you have
PSS®E 34 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) – Available Now Schedule PSS®E 34 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) – Available Now PSS®E 34 RC2 will be available this Friday (2/13/15) PSS®E 34.0.0 Scheduled for March 6th 2015 US PTI UGM: 2nd week of May in New Orleans 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Dynamics Simulation and Modeling Updates Second generation wind models approved by WECC are now available as part of the PSS®E library Large scale PV model approved by WECC is now available as part of the PSS®E library Working with WECC Battery Energy Storage Task Force (BESTF). A prototype battery dynamic model, per specification laid out by the BESTF, has been developed in PSS®E and is currently undergoing testing. This model will be made part of PSS®E 33.x and 34.x as soon as the model is approved and results are verified. Worked with WECC PSS®E user to benchmark the PSS®E composite load model with results from PSLF CMPLDW model. Currently working to develop playback functionality for voltage and frequency signals in PSS®E. Working on the WECC multi-unit plant controller that was discussed in the last WECC MVWG meeting. 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Synchronized bus-branch, node-breaker models/SLDs PSS®E 34 Node Breaker Integrated Approach Synchronized bus-branch, node-breaker models/SLDs Bus section management Substation Configuration Builder Single-line diagram support Contingency analysis support Full support in dynamics and short circuit in 34.1 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Node-breaker – Automatic Substation Building
Node-breaker – Bus-branch/Node-breaker SLDs 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Node-breaker – New Contingency Syntax |OPEN | |BREAKER| |FROM NODE |nodeid1 | TO NODE |nodeid2 || AT |SUBSTATION| |subid | |TRIP | |SWITCH | | |nodename1| |nodename2|| |SUB | |subnam| |DISCONNECT| |SWD | |swdname |OPEN | TERMINAL AT BUS |busid1 | TO BUS |nodeid2 | |CIRCUIT| cktid |TRIP | |busname1| |busname2| |CKT | |DISCONNECT| |STUCK | |BREAKER| |FROM NODE |nodeid1 | TO NODE |nodeid2 || AT |SUBSTATION| |subid | |ISOLATE| |SWITCH | | |nodename| |namename|| |SUB | |subname| |SWD | |swdname | |STATION | SINGLE BREAKER IN SUBSYSTEM subsys / only breakers SINGLE SWITCH IN SUBSYSTEM subsys / only switches SINGLE SWD IN SUBSYSTEM subsys / all SWDs SINGLE BRANCH IN SUBSYSTEM subsys / Node breaker Aware (open with breakers) SINGLE TERMINAL IN SUBSYSTEM subsys SINGLE ISOLATE FAULT AT BREAKER IN SUBSYSTEM subsys SINGLE BRANCH WITH STUCK BREAKER IN SUBSYSTEM subsys / all branches with a stuck SINGLE NODE IN SUBSYSTEM subsys 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Node-breaker Contingency Analysis NERC Contingency Category Short Description Can be Properly Simulated in PSS®E 33 Can be Auto-generated in PSS®E 33 Can be Properly Simulated in PSS®E 34 with Node-breaker Can be Auto-generated in PSS®E 34 with Node-breaker P0 Basecase All P1 N-1 Some P2 Bus or Breaker Fault P3 N-1-1 P4 Stuck Breaker None P5 Delayed Clearing P6 N-2 P7 Common Structure 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Branch and Equipment Names 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
12 Ratings Sets 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
New Licensing Options Benefits: Software-based (dongle-less) options for individual and network licenses Online system for management of licenses Full compatibility with the latest operating systems and platforms Ability to provide limited-time trials of PSS®E and modules for making better purchasing decisions 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Additional 34 Improvements Interface, Diagram and Plotter Improvements The network data grids have been reorganized to group common spreadsheets into tabs, allowing for quick selection between spreadsheets. Management of large sets of study files is made simple with the new Study Management System built upon the existing scenario management concept. Single-line diagrams have been optimized for performance and improved layout Single-line diagram properties have been reorganized, and can be saved and loaded from external files. PSS®E Plotter now supports the popular PSSPLT functions RANG, SLCT and FUNC. Geomagnetic Induced Current (GIC) Analysis Improvements The GIC engine supports additional functions to meet and surpass regional GIC modeling requirements. Location-based field scaling and non-uniform field calculations are now available. 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Additional 34 Improvements Dual Python 2 and 3 Compatibility PSS®E now supports the most popular Python 2 and Python 3 versions. This gives access to the latest Python and 3rd-party libraries that take advantage of powerful new Python 3 features. Full Python 2 backwards compatibility mean that all existing scripts will continue to work as written. Improved Power Flow Models Individual loads can now be designated as distributed generation loads to properly model renewable generation. Machines may now be modeled as in-feeder devices with the proper management of machine parameters. Also, transformer impedance tables have been updated to allow 99 defined points, as well as real and imaginary pairs, allowing higher-fidelity modeling of transformers. 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Additional 34 Improvements The maximum number of buses in a network has been increased from 150,000 to 200,000 buses, making highly-detailed models of even the largest grids possible. Solution parameters are now saved in SAV, RAW and SEQ files, along with the last know solution method, allowing a saved network case to be solved exactly as intended. The SAV, RAW and SEQ file converters have been updated to handle conversions between version 34 and many older versions, providing backwards compatibly with previous releases. PSS®E now supports spreadsheets displaying all subsystem-based results for several major data categories, replacing text-based reports. Results may be exported directly to a CSV file or directly to Excel. Now all AC lines, two-winding transformers, and three-winding transformers names can be given names to 40 characters long. Additional functions have been added to the PSS®E Environment Manager 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International
Joe Hood PSS®E Product Manager +1.803.399.0563 Questions Joe Hood PSS®E Product Manager +1.803.399.0563 2/24/2019 Siemens Power Technologies International