The Slavery Debate
Wilmot Proviso President Polk wanted to run the 36 degree N. latitude (Missouri Compromise) line all the way to the Pacific Ocean. This would divide the Mexican Cession into free and slave territory. David Wilmot proposed this plan to prohibit slavery in all parts of the Mexican Cession.
Wilmot Proviso Continued “neither slavery or involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of the territory.” House passed it, but Senate killed the bill (South had more power in Senate) Showed growing sectionalism in the country.
Popular Sovereignty An idea that would allow voters in a territory to decide whether they wanted to ban or allow slavery. They would make their choice by electing representatives in the territories that were antislavery or pro-slavery. Based on the majority vote, the decision to allow or ban slavery in the territory would be decided.
Free-Soil Party Neither Democrats or Whigs would take a stance on the slavery issue in the territories in the election of 1848. Thousands of antislavery northerners decided to form a new political party. (Free-Soil) Free-Soil Party supported Wilmot Proviso. Chose former President Martin Van Buren as their candidate. Van Buren only received 10% of the vote, but this impacted the presidential outcome. It allowed Zachary Taylor to defeat Lewis Cass, a Democrat
California....a free or slave state? California Gold Rush allowed the area to apply for statehood and skip the territorial stage. (large population) Californians wanted to enter as a free state. Upset southerners. It would destroy the balance of power
Clay's proposed Compromise of 1850 California would be a free state Mexican Cession would be a federal territory. Popular Sovereignty would decide the status of slavery. Called on Texas to give up land claims east of the upper Rio Grande. In exchange the federal gov’t would pay for Texas’s old debts. End slave trade, but not slavery, in the country’s new capital New, more effective fugitive slave law.
Compromise of 1850 California entered the Union-free state Mexican Cession divided into two territories-Utah and New Mexico-slavery would be decided by popular sovereignty Texas gave up land claims in New Mexico Federal Gov’t gave Texas financial help Outlawed slave trade in the nation’s capital New slave laws