Practicum March 22 to April 27
REFERENCES 2 Year Professional Year Reference Guide: Practicum Implementation Guide: Page 64 Student Teaching in the Professional Year Part 1: EDUC 4398 Practicum Organization Chart
PLACEMENT DATES FOR WINTER Thursday, March 22 to Friday, April 27/18 Exceptions re Absences: Placement Two absences – made up at end of Placement Two if AT and FA agree PEC arranges those make-up days-not the TC No flights leaving right after placements!
Attendance Attendance: If absent, let AT and FA know- Other arrangements to be made with FA/PEC approval- Leave lesson plans and necessary resources at school before you leave for the day- if not left, must be submitted before school if you are absent for that day Make-up days are made up the week of April 30- at Week 5 amount of teaching responsibility PA Days- If present, they are placement days- If absent, need to be made up What happens if your AT is out for a PD session? You stay in classroom and work with the supply teacher- continue to gain teaching experience- Do not ask your FA for an exception to this You may participate in a PA Day or may be working on own planning (Principal/AT decision) If school closed for day, absence is excused If buses cancelled, make your own decision as to whether you can travel safely If absent- must be made up at full amount of teaching If present, may be reassigned to assist with variety of students
Planning Expectations… If your Week at a Glance schedule changes, please email your FA so they can plan/revise their day’s visits Maintain a daybook- Use daybook checklist posted on D2L- include your PPLP and PPLP log, lesson plans, completed assessment, student work samples, resources, etc. Review and follow the Practicum Organizer posted on D2L Use our Lakehead Orillia Lesson Plan template/Guidelines Include dates and timing info. on your lesson plans Write a lesson plan for every lesson you teach If verbal, make notes for yourself
Planning Cont’d… For routines e.g. morning message, bell work, etc. write one description of the routine and put it in routine section of daybook Complete unit plans when you are planning 5 or more lessons in a strand, concept, etc.- Keep drafts and final copies of unit plans in your daybook
Planning Expectations Cont’d... Email your lesson plans to your AT and your FA no less than 24 hours in advance (For Monday lessons submit Friday by 8:00 a.m.) For Tues. April 3 lessons, submit by Thurs. March 29 (not over Easter weekend) If you need to revise a lesson write on the hard copy and keep changes in daybook, noting what has been modified. If you are making more major changes to a lesson, resubmit and include an explanation Include Reflections on lessons you teach
Planning Resources.. Important information (your toolkit) from your various courses taken this year Review your D2L course sites for helpful resources) Use Ministry of Education; Guides to Effective Instruction in Literacy and Mathematics; course resources Avoid the pitfalls of Pinterest… By March 23 make sure you know what you will be generally teaching for the rest of the block
Using Feedback… Seek your AT’s written/verbal feedback every day Keep notes when given oral feedback to refer to later when planning Arrange a meeting time at least twice a week- more often if you/your AT have issues/questions- Plan the timing of these meetings when possible If you are not meeting with/ getting feedback from your AT, contact your FA for assistance e.g. coaching, etc.
TEACHER CANDIDATE AGREEMENT Review the info. (Pgs. 7-8) Check that you understand your professional responsibilities Sign and post to D2L by March 19
After Practicum…. Complete your PPLP by April 30 (or day after your last placement day if you are doing make-up days) Your FA will not SET summative until the PPLP is received Your Year Two FA will get a copy of your PPLP to support your professional growth in Placement Three You may be asked to leave daybook at school for FA review You may be asked to meet with the FA and PEC to debrief placement
Networking… Introduce yourself to the Principal/VP by March 23 Ask school admin if they can observe you and give you some feedback- ask early for later in the placement Don’t wait until Week 5- they may have to cancel and then you will miss out on the opportunity
Classroom Visitations/Observations Other FAs/the PEC may visit/observe Observation Forms will include Strengths, Areas for Growth, Next Steps Be prepared to meet with your FA during a break (or before and after school)
Begin with the end in mind! Know what is expected of you Practicum Guide Formative Self-Assessment (TC) Formative Assessment Form (AT) Summative Assessment Form (AT)
Formative Assessment Process Pages 67-71 in Practicum Guide TC completes own self- assessment online AT completes a Formative Assessment on TC TC and AT collaborate on the TC’s Growth Plan- SMART goals- Growth Plan included with AT’s Formative Assessment
Summative Assessment Pages 77-81 in Practicum Guide AT completes Summative independently AT reviews the Summative Assessment with the TC on last day of placement-demonstrate growth mindset TC takes away draft copy of Assessment FA reviews Summative Assessment- signs off on the report and link to final copy is emailed to TC and AT No signature required for teaching application processes
Letter of Concern AT gives regular oral/written feedback in regards to how to improve by email If unresolved, FA completes L of C with AT Concerns Expectations for Improvement Timelines specified FA monitors TC’s progress- consults with AT and TC
Failed Placement Process Failed Placements in Year One: TC on review Register for EDUC 0498 “Enhancing the Practicum”-Mandatory course for fall semester Next placement needs to be done locally Cannot be on review more than once in the 2 Year B.Ed. Program Status of the failed placement is not changed
Possible Terminations Faculty Advisor Terminations Professional Experiences Coordinator Principal Terminations Possible reasons for Termination- Review Practicum Guide, pages 20-22 Next Steps- Pages 23-27
Appeals Process Know your rights and responsibilities: Pgs. 26-27 Meet with FA Meet with FA/PEC Meet with Chair Request Practicum Review Committee Mtg. Request an Appeal of an Academic Decision Other than a Final Course Mark with the Dean
Professionalism…. Dress professionally! (Business casual is fine) Plan your life to free up the time to focus Teaching is a full-time job- monitor your after hour commitments carefully Monitor extra curricular activities so that you have time to complete teaching responsibilities Be enthusiastic, positive, energetic- ATs and Ps and other staff members notice Behave professionally throughout the school- including the staff room- staff notice! Take note that what you say is shared!
Cautions……. Health & Safety – report accidents/injuries to AT/Principal/Professional Experiences Coordinator (Catherine Hannon)/ FA Duty to Report -any concerns that you hear from students report to FA/ AT/Principal/CAS Report to your Faculty Advisor/Professional Experiences Coordinator (Catherine Hannon) Important that you not make decision to report on your own- ask for advice from your FA/PEC if you are in any way unsure Social Media – do not place comments , pictures, student materials on any form of social media. Avoid texting your AT- Use Lakehead email or call if they have given you their cell number- only when necessary-not to planning questions- that should be done during school hours Electronic Devices – do not have ‘on’ in the classroom. Use professional judgement. Don’t supply teach/ Cannot be unsupervised –If you are asked refer to the Lakehead policy calmly and contact your FA- You cannot supply teach Contacting AT- You or your representative cannot contact your AT by email, phone or in person after Summative is completed. If you have questions regarding your assessment, Professional Experiences Coordinator can contact the AT on your behalf and share the information with you
Difficulties or Concerns about your AT or Placement? Discuss with AT first if you feel comfortable doing so Contact Faculty Advisor (FA) Contact Professional Experiences Coordinator (Catherine) Unsure what to do about a situation? Contact your FA Contact Catherine –Don’t wait for FA if they are on road and you need to talk to someone asap- Catherine’s cell is 705-790-4795
Lakehead-Information Sharing with AT’s Practicum Guide- electronic copy Course Syllabus Practicum Organizer Catherine sends weekly emails to ATs
What have AT’s had to say? Listen to feedback professionally and use it to improve If you disagree/are confused- email your FA and Catherine Be willing to listen and try anything Be prepared and be early - usually get tomorrow’s lesson ready the night before- don’t leave school until you are ready for next day- Murphy’s Law! Be prepared to stay, contribute to the school community without over- committing
AT SURVEY COMMENTS CONT’D Ask questions when there is time; not during class. Ask about behaviour strategies/ strategic seating/…….. Ask about the growth of individuals. Take any extra training offered. One candidate was able to get BMS certified by staying an extra day Get to know the principal, the Teacher Librarian, SERT, other staff- it takes a team to help students grow
VERY GOOD ADVICE TO FOLLOW…. Plan lessons that are suggested by AT- connected to the class program (typically Language & Math first) Observe and follow classroom routines established by your AT Focus on the positive when discussing the learners with your AT Avoid making negative comments about the school, AT, principal, students, parents-Focus on positive! Avoid asking the principal/other staff for a letter of reference unless you know they have seen you teach, or contribute on more than an occasional basis Be aware of and observe the Lakehead course syllabus requirements
Practicum Appeals Process – Know your Rights and Responsibilities Know the Process: 1. Meeting with FA 2. Do not contact/meet with AT 3. Meeting with FA and Professional Experiences Coordinator 4. Meeting with Chair 5. Practicum Review Committee- Thunder Bay personnel involved, along with your FA 6. Appeal to the Senate/Academic Appeals Committee- Final and Binding
QUESTIONS? If unsure, ask your FA or the PEC- avoid getting different answers from peers We are here to coach you when you have difficult issues to address It is okay not to know- it is not okay not to ask and become knowledgeable so that you can continue to grow professionally
OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO… And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) So Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting So…get on your way!