Facing Mortality- My Empathy Experience
doctor, or patient.” –Jennifer Aniston “Cancer affects all of us, whether you’re a daughter, mother, sister, friend, co-worker, doctor, or patient.” –Jennifer Aniston
Why I Chose This Topic In 1998, my grandpa was diagnosed with Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. I was surrounded by cancer when I was little because of my grandpa, but I don't remember what it was like
My Questions: What are the physical/emotional affects of cancer? How does it affect kids and adults differently? How did it affect the loved ones of the cancer patient? Was it hard for those people to empathize with the cancer patient?
Research: Looked on websites such as Cancer.org and The Washington Post Watched videos such as Stephen’s Story and The Humble Requests of Cancer Patients
Interview #1- My Dad
Video #1- My Grandma
Interview #2- Osteosarcoma patient
Video #2- Stephen’s Story
My Evaluation of My Project