Using exemplars to improve students’ assessment literacy & self-efficacy Jeremy Schildt (SSS) - Neil Cooper (PSY) - Gary Parlett (HSC) - Helen James (BIO) University of East Anglia Learning & Teaching Day 2017 A collaborative project at UEA involving staff in the Learning Enhancement Team, the Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning and Schools of Studies.
Using examples of student work at UEA Delivery Pre-workshop: marking criteria and excerpts from exemplars posted on VLE Workshop: peer-to-peer discussion of exemplars Post-workshop: video containing tutor commentary on exemplars released on VLE Evaluation Ask MCQs in workshops to capture students’ levels of understanding and confidence using audience response system Teacher reflections VLE statistics tracking Free text survey circulated to students post-submission Student performance Staff workload
PSY 1st First Year Module (Year Long) 2nd Semester Thematic Analysis Assessment (First Qualitative Research Report) Cohort =213 Pre ‘Confidence’ Questionnaire Analysis & Discussion Online Video Formative Marking Task Seminar Discussion & Feedback Method Online Video Formative Marking Task Seminar Discussion & Feedback Introduction Online Video Formative Marking Task Seminar Discussion & Feedback Hand-in Post ‘Confidence’ Questionnaire
Design of evaluation questionnaire – couple of days (+ethics) Time investment? Request assessments – edit & select text (in Word) Screenshot & embed into PowerPoint Make a few notes – chat through for 15 mins in the office with a mic on Edit & publish Approx. 2-3 hours per materials Design of evaluation questionnaire – couple of days (+ethics) Initial Qs - 132 Reponses (62%) 72 (56% of respondents) ‘not confident’
Usage stats on “Introduction” Day before seminar Hand in date Release date Easter break
Shared resource to direct +ve impact on Workload 5 ATs on module online resource = less questions Shared resource to direct students (Anecdotal) my e-mail traffic Discussion board 2016-17 - 71 Posts 2015-16 - 124 Posts Qualitative differences
HSC Student voices – 1st summative assessment The effect of peer discussion (n=66)
The effect of peer discussion Yes, discussing with my peers really helped me to understand and view different interesting points about each piece of work. I was able to utilise these points in my own preparation. Most definitively helped, allowed me to gain an understanding about what markers were looking for and what to avoid. Peer discussion enlightened me and allowed me to gain a greater understanding of the texts as differing opinions helped shape my own, others identified aspects I may otherwise have missed. It helped me slightly however I was getting distracted when other peers were talking over each other or trying to contradict what the lecturer was saying!
The effect of peer discussion … Did it improve confidence?
The impact of the supporting videos How many of the videos did you watch? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Video for Marking Criterion 1 54.5% 36 Video for Marking Criterion 2 Video for Marking Criterion 3 48.5% 32 I did not watch the videos 42.4% 28
The impact of the supporting videos Watching the videos was like having the lectures again and I could refresh some things that I did not remember. Besides the facilitators these were of the most help to my writing, they were in greater depth than can be explored in lectures and it meant I could continue to refer back to sections I needed the most help with. I looked at the videos briefly but I did not go through them at length. This is because I felt I had a clear enough understanding of the marking criteria from the workshops.
BIO’s experience (1) Where? Why? How? Biology Research Skills Level 6, 40 credit module Assessment: project report 2015/16, modified for 2016/17 Why? Despite experience, students claim not to know what is expected Lack of understanding of marking schemes (and Senate Scales) and the marking process How? Workshops, comparisons of two reports with markers’ feedback, online video
BIO’s experience (2) 2015/16 1 hour workshop, in class looked at one part of report After workshop, students free to look at online resources Total views = 345 Total students = 44/49
BIO’s experience (3) 2016/17 In response to feedback, several changes made 2 x 1 hour workshops, whole reports available, groups marked sections in class, discussion of marking process Workshops 21 & 24 March Coursework deadline Easter vacation Total views = 195 Total students = 46/50
Any questions? Follow-up … Dr Jeremy Schildt, Head of the Learning Enhancement Team, University of East Anglia