Asset Based Thinking and Doing as a Community Connector. Bharti Mistry Asset Based Thinking and Doing as a Community Connector Bharti Mistry Community Connector Date: 6th June 2018
Overview Background Example of ABCD at work Example of ABCD in Personal life Findings & Next Steps Summary Q&A
Background Leicester Ageing Together started Oct 2015 March 2018 - 3 Community Connectors Recruited Areas: Thurncourt, Spinney Hills & Wycliffe area
Asset Mapping
Asset Mapping Ward Funding
Example of Asset Based Thinking and Doing
Another Example of Asset Based Thinking and Doing
Some Findings Where people have received free service they are not willing to pay Rules & Regulations, Health & Safety come in the way of ABCD Not reaching the truly lonely and isolated people as they are not out and about they are in their homes
Next Steps Connection with Care Navigators to reach Health Centres and Surgeries Continue working with people/groups/charities/organisations using ABCD and looking at sustainability Thinking outside the box
Summary Presented a brief outline of the first 3 months as a Community Connector using ABCD. Personal example using ABCD without realising it Findings and Next Steps