Monitoring progress in the field of education and training by the European Commission Working group ETS Luxembourg, 24 - 25 September 2007 Maria Hrabinska European Commission, DG Education and Culture
Monitoring progress Communication of the Commission on a coherent framework of indicators and benchmarks Council conclusions of 25 May 2007 on a coherent framework of indicators and benchmarks 2007 Report on progress towards Lisbon objectives in education and training under preparation
Lisbon European Council March 2000 Goal of making Europe the most competitive knowledge based economy by 2010, with better jobs and greater social cohesion. Importance of human capital (education) acknowledged Open method of coordination identified as a key tool Detailed Work Programme (Education&Training 2010 programme adopted in 2002
5 Education benchmarks Low achievers in Reading (PISA) : -20% - adopted by the (education) Council in 2003 - to be achieved by 2010 Low achievers in Reading (PISA) : -20% Early school leavers: not more than 10% Upper secondary attainment: at least 85% MST graduates: 15% increase, better gender balance Lifelong learning participation: at least 12.5% In addition quantitative goals set by Barcelona 2002 Spring European Council (languages, pre-primary education, R&D)
Monitoring progress Biennal Joint reports of the Council and of the Commission based on national reports Annual report on progress towards Lisbon objectives in education and training based on indicators and benchmarks (Progress reports)
Development of new indicators Commission Staff Working Paper on New indicators in education and training of 2004 Council Conclusions on New indicators in education and training of 24 May 2005 Commission Communication on a Coherent Framework of Indicators of February 2007 Commission requested to report back by end 2006 - on progress made towards the establishment of a coherent framework of indicators and benchmarks for following up on the Lisbon objectives in the area of education and training, - a reconsideration of the suitability of existing indicators for monitoring progress.
Communication on a coherent framework Integration of Bologna process into EU policies and increased importance of higher education Copenhagen process in vocational education and training Re-vised Lisbon agenda from 2005 and the new Lisbon focuson jobs and growth Joint Interim report of 2006 and the importance of making best use of resources Proposal for a Recommendation on Key competencies Coherence with EU policy framework/ formal system of education Objectives framework needed adaptation to policy development since the Detailed Work programme of 2002. Key developments that had to be taken into account:
Eight policy areas 1. Improving equity in education and training; 2. Promoting efficiency in education and training; 3. Making lifelong learning a reality; 4. Key competences among young people; 5. Modernising school education; Modernising vocational education and training (the Copenhagen process); Modernising higher education (the Bologna process); 8. Employability.
Communication on a coherent framework 20 indicators Participation in pre-school education Special needs education Early school leavers Literacy in reading, mathematics and science Language skills ICT skills Civic skills Learning to learn skills Upper secondary completion rates of young people School management 11) Schools as multi-purpose local learning centres 12) Professional development of teachers and trainers 13) Stratification of education and training systems 14) Higher education graduates 15) Cross-national mobility of students in higher education 16) Participation of adults in lifelong learning 17) Adults’ skills 18) Educational attainment of the population 19) Investment in education and training 20) Returns to education and training
Council Conclusions on a coherent framework of indicators of 30 May 2007 5 benchmarks Need to continue to improve quality of data produced by the ESS, in particular to ensure valid, internationally comparable and, where appropriate, gender- specific data Parallel need to continue to enhance cooperation with other international organisations Council reaffirmed
16 core indicators INDICATORS BASED ON EXISTING DATA 1) Participating in pre-school education 2) Early school leavers 3) Literacy in Reading, Maths and Science 4) Upper secondary completion rates of young people 5) Higher education graduates 6) Participation of adults in lifelong learning 7) Cross-national mobility of students in HE 8) Education attainment of the population I report back in the event of any major development
16 core indicators II. INDICATORS LARGELY BASED ON EXISTING DATA WERE DEFINITIONS NEED FURTHER CLARIFICATION 9) Special needs education 10) ICT skills 11) Investment in education and training III. INDICATORS DEVELOPED IN CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS 12) Civic skills 13) Professional development of teacher and trainers 14) Adults' skills IV. INDICATORS BASED ON NEW EU SURVEYS 15) Language skills 16) Learning to learn skills Reports back to the Council II information on the definition,including their composition, data sources, costs and other relevant technical specifications III on participation of EU MS and the coverage of EU data needs IV further examine and report back on results
Before proceeding with any new survey the Commission shall report • the political relevance of the indicators; • the detailed technical specifications of the survey; • the availability and relevance of existing data at national level; • the comparability of the data and a timetable; • an estimate of the infrastructure required and of the likely costs ; • appropriate management and support structures, enabling Member States to be involved in methodological and development work. Commission shall report on Costs of the Community and of Member States
2007 Progress report under preparation Monitoring progress towards Lisbon objectives in education and training Taking into account Council conclusions on coherent framework of indicators Progress in 8 policy areas 16 core indicators
Progress achieved Benchmark already achieved: Based on data 2000-2003/06 Benchmark already achieved: Mathematics, science and technology graduates Constant, but not sufficient progress: Early school leavers Upper secondary attainment Lifelong learning participation No progress yet: Low achievers in PISA
Overview on progress made
Ratio of early school leavers (2006)
Reaching the 5 benchmarks in 2010 would imply 2 million fewer young Europeans having left school early 2 million more young people finishing upper secondary education over 200 000 fewer 15 year olds performing low in reading literacy nearly 8 million more adults participating in lifelong learning
Three best performers in the EU Best performers – School education Benchmark 2010 target for EU Three best performers in the EU EU-27 average USA Japan Percentage of early school leavers (18-24) No more than 10% 2006 Czech Rep. 5.5% Poland 5.6% Slovakia 6.4% 15.3% - Ratio of low achieving 15-yea r-olds in reading literacy At least 20% decrease (to 15.5%) Change in the percentage of low achievers in %, 2000-2003 Latvia -40.2% -27.6% Finland (-18.6%) +2.1% +8.4% +88.1% % of low achievers in 2003 5.7% Ireland 11.0% Netherlands 11.5% 19.8% 19.4% 19.0% Upper secondary completion rate (20-24). At least 85% 91.8% 91.7% 91.5% 77.8%
Three best performers in the EU Higher education, Adult education Benchmark 2010 target for EU Three best performers in the EU EU-27 average USA Japan Graduates in MST Increase of at least 15% (= 100 000 graduates or 1.6% annual increase over period 2001-2010) Average annual increase 2000-2005 Romania +15.6% Slovakia +14.7% Poland +12.5% +4.8% (00-04) +2.5% -1.1% Graduates per 1000 population (aged 20-29) in 2005 Ireland 24.5 France 22.5 Lithuania 18.9 12.4 10.2 13.4 % of female graduates in 2005 Estonia 43.5 Bulgaria 41.1 40.0 31.2 31.9 14.4 Adult participation in lifelong learning (25-64). At least 12.5% 2006 Sweden 32.1% (2005) Denmark 29.2% UK 26.6% 9.6% -
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